Wednesday, April 8, 2009

my hair was so tidy!

my hair was very super tidy today until i also couldn't believe. lol.
i showed my forehead and my whole round face ! damn. =.=
i purposely walked in front of discipline teacher today` and i looked at them!
wakakaka. but they never look at me laa =.=
wah! my hair so tidy also don't want look at me ~ suan liao la.

today perhimpunan sit at the drain there. lol.
cause want to take the medals. ^^
sabs close only laaa -.-
i got 2 silvers and 1 gold! =)
blehhh. double gold. single and mix silver.
i like the medals !

stayed back for st john. =)
limie trained us! hahahaa.
went to ah soon for lunch !
a plate of fried rice.. too much.. i can't finish it..
limie, kwong ming and jordan helped me eat. LOL!
after st john.. play bsb awhile while waiting my daddy.
6!!!!!^^ but....... sigh. >,<
back at 6pm..

I'm writing my BI essay =.=

ooooh yaa!!
i want to talk about yesterday..
jun yuan screameddddddddddddd so loud in the class. and ended up scolded by teacher in next class. hahahaaaaa. because his bag got curry.. don't know who made it..dirty! yuckkk!

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