Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fool

fucking kerja kayu!``
deng the teacher really.........!!!! before i do she don't want to say, after i done then she bising bising there. SO BISING! and the other teacher also none of her business laaah!!
make me have to do again! Sohaiiiiiiiii!
deng you ask me to add that thing got use meh???? same je!!
and i damn beh song is you ask me fikir sendiri lo. you also donno how to paku in then how i know?? like you're teacher you also don't know..??and then you asked me to do this pattern that pattern. know how to talk only. -.- sienz lo.
luckily i still manage to do it. Fuck. neh neh neh neh bu bu~~
damn.. this kerja kayu ruined my day!!!

well, today was choir competition.. and our school!! YAY!! our school won! sabs rocks =P
congratulationnnnnnn!!!!!!! WOOHOOOO~
lol. our school's choir team uni damn yeng. XD
haihx. too bad that i didn't see our school perform... thanks to the stupid kerja kayu!!!!! hate``
i only saw SMKTP AND MGS.

stayed back for school activities.
st john -.- kawad -.-
finally i can play basketball today XD
play for fun. 4 of us. annie li wei carmen and me.
ohmygod i was wearing my st john t shirt to play bsb -.-
yay 6!!

tired....after gaji-ing the kayu and paku-ing it. =.=

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