Thursday, April 2, 2009

i hate cockroaches.

guess what??
our class was playing with the cockroach!! REAL AND FAKE..
ytd, li wei went to..... "turn the egg". got those ugly insect.. and she get cockroach. -.-
from ytd afternoon playing bsb that time already kena dia main =.=
lol.. i'll shout like hell !! -.- and yes i shouted -.- in the school -.- tapak -.-
ok this is not the point.
today went to canteen.. of course they brought the fake cockroach along too.
then.. wtf. can i call this FATE ? we saw a real died cockroach on the floor =.=
huhu under and near my sit. so they.........picked up the real cockroach and put it in the box. -.- wtf so damn dirty and smelly and disgusting! can't believe that they will do this kind of thing. lol. hahaa.
and... and... and.. they brought to the class! ohmygodddddd!!
and now also don't know which one is fake and which one is real.
so, we went up to the class. evonne was taking the fake one. she showed to apon.
and apon replied.. saya pun ada.hehe and that time he was taking the cockroach and showed back to us. WTF!!! HE WAS TAKING THE REAL ONE.
disgusting laaa``
and the real cockroach ended up by putting it inside a bottle which has water inside. -.- and they keep shaking it. the water turned to brownish.
damnnnnn disgusting!
wafi use that disgusting thing to scare us and ask us go back to the class -.-
ooh, one of the malay girl, shouted and the table behind her fell down =.=

end of cockroach day -.-

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