Friday, August 29, 2008

b A s K e T b A l L m E l O v E

籃球火.. nice. haha. xiao zhu damn funny. hahahaha.

didn't go to school again. xDD
but i went to school at 12pm since nobody fetch me back. lolx. then went to school again around 2 something for basketball. yes yes yes. played match !! keep laughing and laughing. l0lx.
played with "loser" they all. xD seriously i don't know his real name. since he always call me loser, so i called him loser too. nahh. ==''

so happy !! keep laughing because i read j0kes. and i borrowed a book is all those jokes from nicole. =DDDDDDDDDDDD

monthly test is coming!!!!! ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod . don't know how many omg. OMG!!!

bye bye. i don't know what to write. zzz

Thursday, August 28, 2008

hahaa. no need go to school today.
went to mpk1 for rehearsal for merdeka parade.
tomorrow als0!! xDD

well, just a short post. l0lx..

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


last friday. 22 august.
bring my cousin to the beach at the morning.
after that,went to school to do the geography folio. we need to ask 20 people. so, we chosen Seri Kuantan for our kawasan kajian. cause this place is around our school. hmm, caryne, wai teng, hui jue, zhi xin, li wei, and me. walked around there, the weather is so damn hot. and i forgotten to bring water. -_-"
we asked many people and asked them to fill up the form. but some of them never layan us. =x
we went to one stop, 7 eleven. and asked them to fill up the form. lalalala.went to desmond lim's house. asked him out to bring us to soh's house. =p after that, he followed us to other people house. l0lx. its quite fun and boring. =.=
but at last, we only can get 14 responden. shhhhhh!!!
pitha, guat choo, zai, hasan, eric, siew chan, cheok leng, yvonne, kar june, chee keong, debbie, khui yie, bee yen, and hwoay lee. the 14 responden.
didn't play basketball on that day since my mom was early.
went to cut my fringe after that. my fringe is so short now.~~~~
i'm lazy to upload those photo. =P

last saturday 23 august.
went to kl. xDD find my dai lou. and we sleep at his place. =D
went to jusco. wanted to buy a new school bag since the old 1 already koyak. saw a bag at body glove. wanted it so much but it's the last one and plus the bag is dirty, so i didn't buy it. =(
went to another jusco again at night. ==" finally i get my new bag there. bought it at house of leather. got discount. i wanted to go to one utama and sungei wang but didn't make it. =/
the next day, went to times square before going back. ate our lunch there. didn't shop much.
reached Kuantan around 6pm. went for dinner straight away. had our dinner at Thai. the food was delicious. especially the tom yam!

holiday ended so fast... monthly test is coming very soon. September!!
going to stadium tomorrow.

Monday, August 25, 2008


RULE #1 People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves..

RULE #2 Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse.These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by continue this game by sending it to other people.
tagged by : alyssa, wern yen.

1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
~errrr.. actually i didn't think this question before. and i really don't know the answer. LOL!

2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
~oooh. i have many dreams.

3. Whose butt would you like to kick?
~ nobody?

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
~ spend and keep some. lolx.

5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
~ errr.. boy? lolx. i'm not lessbian xD

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
~ being loved by someone!

7. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
~ don't know. =p

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
~ sad? lolx

9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?
~ yahh!!

10. What takes you down the fastest?
~ errr..

11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
~ 24? don't know?

12. Who is currently the most important people to you?
~ family ? friends ? everyone i know. l0lx.

13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
~ good? lolx. XDD

14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
~ single and rich xD

15. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?
~ see what time i wake up lor. xD

16. Would you give all in a relationship?
~ hmmmmmm.

17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
~ the one who love me. xD

18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
~ i won't forget but maybe will forgive. xD

19.Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
~ errr, no idea. l0lx.

List 5 people to tag
hui wey

Wednesday, August 20, 2008








Tuesday, August 19, 2008


刘翔!! 加油!! 刘翔!! 加油!! 刘翔!! 加油!! 刘翔!! 加油!!

just finish reading newspaper. and d0n't know why suddenly I sympathize to liu xiang. when the competition is almost start, suddenly his foot pain. and he need to give up. he MUST give up. =( owhh, what a sad news.

we'll still support you. you're the best runner in the world.
d0n't be upset or sad. although you had miss the Gold medal this time, but you still have your leg. LUCKILY you gave up. if not, your leg will be more painful. You'll get your gold medal so0n. and i'm sure you'll get it ! everyone will support you! and hope your leg will be cure soon. stay healthly! =D


ooh ! went to semambu court for badminton. (sure lah. not for badminton for what? xD)
long time didn't play badminton because of st john. =x should i change my coach? seems everyone asked me to change to other coach...
10am. tin jason fetched me. xD since our house is so near. hehe.
played with wai teng, caryne, benjamin , tin jason and wern yen. =D
I saw E jet there. lalalalala. he changed to badminton already. lalalala.
he came and joined us. since his friend and him booked court for 8am to 10am?
i played with E jet. lalala. I'm Lin Dan and he's Chong Wei.
hahaha. Finally, I won!!!! since in the Olympic final Lin Dan beat Chong Wei.
lolx. lame i know. and benjamin said he's chong wei's bro. so i said i'm lin dan's sis.
at first wanna play double d. i partner ejet and benjamin partner wai teng. but then ejet said he very hungry since he never eat breakfast yet.. so he went to shop nearby to eat his breakfast.
so.... didn't play. ==' arghh! the ejet !! lalala.
so i played with wern yen. and the sei benjamin don't want to play with me.

ahh i still wanna play!!! l0lx.

Monday, August 18, 2008

nothing to say...

lolx. about yesterday's match... i'm totally speechless.
the result was 21-12, 21-8. Lin Dan won.
Not to say lee chong wei is not pro enough, Both are damn pro. But.. Lin Dan is more pro.. yaa.. XD
Long time no see, Lin Dan!!! he's still so fit.. even fitter than last time. ooh, maybe yesterday he wore a no-sleeves shirt. haha. muscle so big!!!
he keep smashing and jumping smash and smash and jumping smash and smash. lolx.
he's so so so fast!!! as fast as lightning. SO powerful!!
and that's why i always support Lin Dan. =D
the match is not interesting as what i thought..
by the way, he still manage to get a silver medal for malaysia.. XD
and Lin Dan was so good yesterday. he saluted lcw after he won. he hug him. XD
Lin Dan was so happy, but leecw was so sad. both of them cried.
oooh. i get lin dan's racket and his shoes. lalala. he gave/threw them away to the watchers in the stadium.. arrgh. i want!
lin dan's big muscle!!! lolx
lin dan.. didn't wear shoes. because he had threw it to them~ lolx.
nice jacket from china! =D
he's so happy larrh. xD
win and lose.
Lin dan:" I'm the King of badminton!"
i'm loving it! <3
lee chong wei, lin dan and chen jin.
Lin dan is superman!! with china flag! xD
don't upset.. =)
yay! i'm the winner! i can fly~
lin dan.. after winning the match. =P
he cried ! owhh..
1st, 2nd and 3rd. china and malaysia.
the end. hehe. full of photos.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

St John..

with teng fatt.. ohh, and chia and derrick. xDD
but nicole closed her eyes.
again with teng fatt...=)
hui wey !!! ahhh. nice voice. i want to listen to her singing again!!
st john flag. geng ? xD
eu chen's malay dance. haha.
hip hop dance? lolx.
performed by our school's st johners.
photos from nicole's blog. xD =p

Hmm. yesterday.. annual dinner.
reached there around 7 pm.
a lots of St Johners...
took my ticket and went in. the hall is smaller than last year but still in the same place, mexica. but the chair is nicer! lolx. and ooh, the tickets is more expensive. and there's 8 rules that we need to obey. hahaha. nicole is our table's leader and we(ooh, i mean nicole. =x) almost get scolded since we're so noisy. you know, kwong ming is sitting with us. If he screammmmmmmmmmmm, ahh. aiyo, can't blame him lah. we all were TOO HIGH. =x

ooh. there were 11 st johners in my table. evonne, nicole, zhi xin, wai teng, jordan, sien keong, chin lip, eu chen, kwong ming, jun yuan and me. ooh,and Raney. haha. =p shhh.
all of us were asked not to make any noise when the doctor is giving his speech. ALL MUST BE IN SILENT MODE.
the food there were quite ok.
sei jordan, asked me not to bring my stomach go. he was so scared that i will eat all his DELICIOUS food. ==' he said he was damn hungry.
and the performance was superb!
- malay dance by eu chen, eric, wei jin and three girls.
eu chen said it was his first time to make up. and he so scared that he will stomachache after eating the lipstick. =='
- hui wey sang many songs. very nice. Everyone request for ENCORE. =P
- hip hop dance by our school st johners. interesting also....
- flag things by mgs school st johners. it was interesting!! ahh!
- and many more performances. =D

the dinner end around 11pm. took some photos. and went back home. =D

evonne, me and raney.
three of us.
jordan, he was too hungry.
half evonne, me, raney and nicole.
nicole is not looking at camera =p
the gay couple. =P
Raney! <3
with man houw! XD

there're still some photos.i didn't get them yet. hehe.

Annual inspection. woke up very early in the morning. around 6:10am. =P
reached the field around 7++am. evonne sms-ed me and asked me whether she is late anot. and i replied "no gua, im still at home." she replied me " faster lah. You're LATE!"
LOLX. =='

it was quite fun to stand there listening to the Dato' Dr. Low to speech. hehe. he told us a lots of interesting story. haha. he is friendly!! and i wonder why there's so many bees!! BEE! ~bzzz bzzz.~ lolx after walked around the field, i mean kawad lar hehe, the performance team perform. and then was first aid competition. our school lost. MGS is the winner .
and today was the commander's birthday, pey sien. happy birthday to her! =D
before going back, took a ice-cream and fried rice and a bottle of mineral water. =)
with sook yee.

Lee Chong Wei(Malaysia) VS Lin Dan(China) later 8:48pm. ahh. I'm so excited!!
i support Lin Dan ACTUALLY. But don't know why this time i support Lee CW. haha.
LCW!! GOOD LUCK! GET THE FIRST GOLD MEDAL FOR MALAYSIA. and we'll proud of you. it will be a history. chinese get the 1st gold for Malaysia. =P

Friday, August 15, 2008

Lee Chong Wei Rox!!!!

Lee Chong Wei Rox!! Malaysia Rox!! Malaysia Boleh!! =D
wohooo!! played 3 games. He beat the korean, Lee Hyunil!!!
He's is in final now!! Will play with either Lin Dan Or Chen Jin.
YESSSSSSSSSS!!!! and he'll get either the GOLD medal or the SILVER medal!!
just finished playing. =DD Too bad to those who missed it. hahaha.
Its SO interesting!!

come back to today.
today our school celebrated national day. and this month, august is the national day's month.
It will have many activities in school. =)
Today was fun. No studying for the whole day since the 1st period and 2nd period for celebrating, 3rd period teacher asked to go to the ICT lab, and then the 4th and 5th period norhuda didn't come, and the last period for cleaning our classroom. hahahah!

talk about the celebration.
At first is quite boring. cause need to listen to the teacher to give speech. ==' ah, you all should know, teacher speech sure very long de. some more the title is about history.. ooou. =x
but then when almost end, got sing song de. xDD
sing those keranamu la, jalur gemilang la, and TANGGAL 31 song!!MERDEKA SONG. haha.
yeah. Was too high just now. xDD not really can remember all the lyrics. but still manage to sing a little bit. haha. =P Ooh, plus the weather is so hot, we sweat! =D

the last period, i(ooops, should be WE =x) didn't help to clean the class. =x
played at the corridor. hehe. ooh. took some pictures. will upload soon after i get it. hehex.
evonne and kwong ming shouted ! they made a competition. see who is the loudest! haha. but kwong ming get scolded by the teacher. =x ooops. xD oooh. we made video also. me and evonne followed kwong ming to drive car. He told us about how his cousin drive his car. haha. And he said it's SCARY! lolx.
went back home at 12pm.
i can't stay back today since my mom not allowed me to do so.
and i think there's no celebration for annie. But we still bought her present. Li Wei and I bought a cap from radioactive for her.It was purple and green in colour. But she said it was green in colour so she not so like it. =( anyway, tomorrow is her birthday. and tomorrow is Annual Dinner. and tomorrow is Beijing Olympic badminton final for men single. and tomorrow the drama "lan qiu huo" will be shown in 8tv. stay tuned! i think the drama will be nice.
Happy birthday Annie a.k.a ET a.k.a 38.!
friends forever and ever and ever.

holiday started =) =( I'm happy and sad. lolx
byee! its raining heavily outside. =/

Thursday, August 14, 2008


someone keep using my name to make alyssa confused!!
when i type my name as suetyen and chat with alyssa at her cbox. he/she using my name and type many rubbish there. what a useless person.

he/she said

"hey, i changed my phone number because someone has been disturbing me"
"if you see another person with the name suet yen, he/she is a faker"
"eh my imposter can you pls go away anort?"
"that is the fake me, alyssa don't believe him/her"

Hey you, since when i changed my number to hotlink. damn stupid sia. i'm using digi one la bengong. and nobody is disturbing me using their phone lah babi. and you some more wanna type your number out. nobody want to disturb you lah. don't be so perasan.
and you said if another person with the name suet yen is a faker. so are you scolding yourself??
and when i told alyssa that i didn't change number, u said that is the fake me.. ==' you're so stupid lor.

and then when i changed my name to wsy and asked alyssa for her msn.. you followed again. really a "gan mei gao". =='

he/she said again
"no, that is a fake one don't trust him/her"
"don't give him your msn/email, he/she will trick you"

never mind alyssa. i'll get your msn from su xin. ;)

and thanks to the people who help me to scold that "God".
now he/she lut liao don't dare to come my blog dy. haha. =p

edited: aiyo.. he/she came back again!! argh!! ngo tai mm dou ngo tai mm dou~~ LOlx stephen chow. lei tai ngo mm dou~ lei tai ngo mm dou~

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


=( choong tan fook and lee wan wah lost. T.T
i'm very dissapointed. =( i thought i can watch them play at least at quarter-final.
But.............. they lost. T.T
Anyone can tell me where to watch the videos through web?
because i had miss that part they played yesterday. Can say also that actually i didn't watch any single of match for badminton. sigh.

came back from school around 5:30pm. st john~~
I'm so tired ! since i had ponteng for two weeks already. LOL.
this saturday is Annual dinner and sunday is annual inspection already. So FAST!
and our school is going to celebrate don'tknowwhatday(err. i think is hari kebangsaan de) this friday. all the students need to bring a small malaysia flag. LOL

My cbox is so crowded!! so interesting!! LOL.
the God love my blog so much. he/she keep visiting my blog and comment me. =='
and hor. he/she keep using my name to make others confused. ==''
he/she love my name so much!!!

God bless me
. LOL! i want the REAL GOD not the FAKE GOD!

haha. xDD

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


ooh. i heard that wong choong han beat taufik!
congratulations to him!! he can! xD
and good luck to choong tan fook and lee wan wah!! good luck ! get the gold medal ! support you !

too bad
=/ that i can't watch basketball ! china VS USA weyy! got
Kobe Bryant !
Yao Ming !

Lebron James !
but china lost. RTM channel don't have basketball lor.
i don't have Astro.. sobz =(
I want to watch Olympic!!!! i want to watch basketball!! i want to watch badminton!!! =(

school was fine. rain so heavily today! so cold.. =='
less people walked to school today. all sit car. i didn't see anyone riding bicycle.
this is what i saw from my class. lolx nothing to do so draw shuang. lalala.

today en.azwuan(ex math teacher) relief our class. and we was talking about wong choong han that time. and then he asked,

"Apa? Siapa menang?"

"Wong Choong Han..."

"Apa?? Yap Kim Hock?"
"LOL!! dia mana ada main. ==' " *we laugh till mad*

"ooh, itu jurulatih kan??"

"ya la.. dia mana ada main. sudah lama laahh."

*he laugh together with us*
quite lame. lolx!!!

ooh. and KH. done our pola and now is going to cut our kain to do the pyjamas.

nothing to write already?
last, good luck and good luck to all the players again!! hehee. =))

Sunday, August 10, 2008


yesterday, saturday.
schooling day =/
went to school.
only 20 of us came. for chinese i think only li wei, evonne, jordan, eu chen and shang xian skipped school =x evonne went to KL ;)
hehe. guess what? RELIEF FOR GEOGRAFI!!!! woah!! XD
hahaha. used public phone to called li wei, evonne, eu chen and jordan during recess. but only jordan picked up the phone. and he was sleeping that time! =p
most of the teachers never teach, except science.
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. 6went ^^

KFC! =p
oh no, haven't start to do geography folio yet...!!

skipped st john annual inspection rehearsal since it was raining when i woke up this morning.
sms-ed wai teng and asked her whether she's still going anot. and then zhi xin sms-ed me. and then li yee and pui yee phoned me. lolx.
so i asked priscilla. she said yes and will start when the rain stop.
but then since zhi xin they all not going, so i not going also lah. =x cause evonne was in kl and nicole not going also.

Beijing Olympic opening ceremony very nice!! *clap clap* hehe.
i saw yao ming!!!he's the one who take the flag for china.
i fall asleep already actually cause i was too tired =o
luckily my dad woke me up when china came in to the stadium.. yay! yao ming!
but too bad i can't see Kobe Bryant!!! and those NBA players! aihzz
and i went to bed after china went in to the stadium.
too bad! =/ i can't see the the ppl light up the big obor and those beautiful fireworks!!

and to the people who pollute my cbox and even use my name and say rubbish there, very fun izzit? play la if fun. zzz i don't care you. some more use God as your name. haihx. and that person keep visit my blog.

Friday, August 8, 2008


080808. woah! wat a nice date!
yes, Olympic 2008 which held in Beijing.
the opening ceremony will be start at 8:08pm afterwards. haha. 0808080808. lolx
fatt fatt fatt. xD

I still went to school for basketball although Mr.Chan said there's no training today.
It was so fun! yea, fun!!! haha.
but i was quite dissapointed because youknowwhy.
time fly really fast. august already. i need to appreciate the time now.
oooh. i miss 6! 6 oh 6!
luckily i went to school.
=) there's only 3 girls playing basketball. me, li wei and eunice.
played until 6pm.
eunice and tin jason followed my car back.
oooh, i pokai just now while i found li wei's ball! so yupei!!!
but luckily nobody saw it. i think only li wei and bejamin a.k.a jordan's bro saw it.. =x

haihx. tomorrow got school arrhh!
i don't want to go la!! cause there's geografi! today 2 period already enough lorrr. tomorrow still got 2 periods again.!!! argh!! cause tomorrow was the replacement for don't know what date but follow friday's time table 1. argh!! and then arr, all my friends are not going tomorrow!! even my monitor and assistant also not going!! waaaa.
i need to move to infront again tomorrow! because she always said "isi kan tempat kosong di depan. saya bilang sampai 3. 1, 2, 3." (if didn't move yet then cubit!!!) arrrgh. but i love to sit behind laaarr! i don't want to sit in front of her! its a little bit of scary lolx.

oooh! Olympic! i love beijing! i love china! the open ceremony is gonna start soon!! very very soon! few minutes more! yea! sit in front of tv! hahah.
oooh, i'm in beijing now. lolx. crapz! =p

One world, One dream.


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

nicholas i support you.

ohya. congratz to nicholas !! he's the winner for 2008 MTV AWARDS The Favorite Artist Of Malaysia「MTV亞洲大獎:大馬最受歡迎歌手獎」.. haha!! happy!!! <3

argh! so cute! <3>

went to one stop to celebrate zhe jun's birthday.
yea, today is his birthday! happy birthday!
wish you forever so leng jai! good luck in exam!! happy forever!! win in your badminton competition! friends forever!!! =D
hmm, nicole, me, pui yee, li yee, kay key, yee jing, desmond, xing hui, wei jong, chan bing, vee yik, yi ming (did i left out anyone?) were together to celebrate his birthday. then later chin lip, evonne, annie and li wei came.
after eating, took some photos, went to 7-11 and then went back to school.
went to tapak. played basketball awhile! only awhile! i miss basketball and 6 so so much. =(
then went back home lu.
he say dont wan present wo.. he say he very shy wor! and then arh, i tot we just know each other since last year? he said we know since 5 years old!believe?hahaha.xD anyway, friends forever!
byeeee. lol
we are happy family. barney's song?? =p

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


today bc teacher got meeting so we didn't learn bc today.
=) we stand outside of bilik moral waiting for teacher but the teacher got meeting so we went to 2rk6 but the teacher asked us to go library but we lazy so at last go back to my class, 2rk5!! lolx.
talk crapz.0
then after recess, apon(monitor) said sj teacher not coming. relief . and kena marah for the whole period. and they say we all is the noisiest. so kena samannn and samannn. but i didn't kena cause i sit at my place that time and i didn't join them. not lucky at all lor. i think those drama one more noisy then chinese ar! gundutdaguorendelaoshi
next time i better diam diam, if not..... but sometimes i beh tahan maarrrr =x

Very sienz lorrrrr!
haihx. must speak english next time in class, if not they will say we all say about people's bad thing. really YUAN WANG! but we can improve our language skill! hahahahha.

aiyorr. until now i haven't finish my "they kissed again" drama =='
and my story books also haven't finish yet =p
oh my homework also haven't finish !! =x

beijing olimpik!!! 080808! =D

Saturday, August 2, 2008


annie liwei evonne came to my house to do seni. but didn't to anything.. how??
then went to teo around 11 for badminton competition again..ohmygodhejoinedthiscomtoo.
today is for boys single double and mixed double.
i joined mixed double. my partner is desmond lim.
1st match played with jordan and li wei.
we won.
then played with xin hui and mohan, form 5 de..
1st game we lost. *i too nervous jor* you know lor.. they so geng!
2nd game, guess what? WE WON!!!!!
well, 3rd game.. 21-17/18. lost................................................................................
i felt sorry to desmond.
lost just because i keep out, out, and out.
if not then cant beat the ball. i donno why lor. aihx.
sorry ya desmond.

haihz. my right hand and both my legs' muscle so pain. cant walk properly..! =='
tomorrow still need rehearsal. aihx.can die.
tomorrow 3 on 3 arh!!!! yer!! miss it jor!!!!! ishhhh!!! =(

Friday, August 1, 2008


just came back from school and i was super tired!!
just now was sabs closed badminton competition for girls.
li wei, annie followed me back.
ate some bread and drank milo, changed our shirts, then straight go to teo.
played double 1st. my partner was annie.
my 1st opponent team was yun hua and wai ee.
we won.
and then played single with shin wei.
i lost.
then double again with liong lee yee and a malay girl. forgotten her name.
we won.
then semi final played with wern yen and jou lin.
i no need tell you all also know what result. hahahahaa.
thanks for "letak air"!!
i played 8 matches. double 6 and single 2. err i mean 8 games? whatever lahh.
and the result is, single lost. double 3rd? im not sure.

then, went back to school for basketball.
walked to the stationary shop to buy something for the seni.
then wait for mr chan.
ran 3 rounds for warm up.
but mr chan had something to do and ended up didn't train.. haha.
at first i wanna go back at 6, but then very sienz so i followed eunice's car and back around 5:30pm.
and i left li wei alone there!! sorry ya li wei!

wow!!! teachers read our blog!! and some of my schoolmates kena for writing teacher's bad thing?
well, i post many things about school and teachers.
okay, im writing the truth only and i dint add cuka add salt. its the truth.