Sunday, February 15, 2009


2nd post izzit?

feb test is on tues~~
lalala~~ and i haven't finish reading those chapters yet. Form 1. Form 2 and Form 3.banyaknyer
i'm so malas. Ooopsie =x

omg. i want the purple colour nike shoe !
extremely cantik ! LOL.

I miss badminton !
hehe. =P
Haven't go for the badminton training yet. =x
Yer, ask me why i don't dare to go to kyk? actually i don't know the reason also.

haiyo.. bored lahh.

i love listening songs!

I was laughing when i thought about this. Li wei wrote this "on the way, we met our teacher "Black Panda" and "Big Peacock". "
this was part of her essay for our tuition teacher. =P

i want a new badminton racket please. x)

bye. off to eat books~MAYBE.

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