Friday, February 27, 2009


today almost the whole day was in bilik kaunseling. xD
after recess then go to bilik kaunseling for meeting. about the bsb competition. xD
so, geo period was not in class. and 11.30am ny go back class. haha.
still got half an hour. just talking only. got new karangan to write, ooops.
so, monday bsb competition.
the school jersey super big and long lo. xD
ohh, have to skip school again =/
Semsas, the first team. fuiyoh. =x

the basketball shoe jessie jie gave me no hua wen dy. i want to buy new shoe =p

hmmm. just a short update. cause i can't think what to write dy. forgotten what i wanna write. oppps.

Yerrrr. later 4pm science tuition. wanna go take a nap first. xD

oooh my sejarah is 76 =D hahaha.
i'm the 7th in class. ><
bad! 2A 5B 1C. neh the bm lo. sei yan bm make me got 1C. lol.
kh - 74 B
geo - 68 B
seni - 96 A (just colour only. haha. but i don't have enought time to finish it. 1 hour only. aiyo)
sivik - 80++ A (XD)
moral - 80++ also. A XD

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