Monday, February 23, 2009

hmm. results.

hmm. almost got back all my results.
I'm not satisfied!! arghh!!!
my result is so terrible and horrible lohh. and vegetable???
maths 88 A (luckily!!)
science 86 A (actually i can get higher marks.) urghhhhhh!!!
bc 75 B (dengggggg!!)
bm 63 C (omggggggg one more correct then is B dy T.T)
bi 75 B (ahhhh my section A loh.)
sj 74 B (happy! omg this is higher than my bm =.=)
kh and geo havent get. but i know is B lah. don't C please =p

ok lo, A is only science and maths. read subject all B. fine. =P

Ooooooh i'm waiting for April test.
5A OR ABOVE PLEASE!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!
Lol. hahahaha.

just finish watching the my astro show power concert.
Nicholas Teo.......... :D
hehe. xD damn yeng lahh. your song very nice loorrrrh. =p
and the english song you sing with the fang da tong.
-How Deep Is Your Love- =))

ehh. saye belum siap itu sejarah nota lah. dan itu nota mesti hantar pada hari rabu kepada itu err saye sudah lupa apa nama punye cikgu. pn.azizah or pn.zubaidah?? ehh. satu guru geo satu guru sj, tapi saya tak tau mana satu nama diabeliau. sorry esok tanya kawan. jgn sue saya.=.=

eh. saya ada tuition lahh ><

ehh. bm saya sangat teruk lohh. =.=

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