Sunday, February 22, 2009

kung fu chef. haha.

went to mega at 12 something.
annie and her sis were waiting me at the entrance door. xD
after i reached, went to buy tickets. hmm. we decided to watch kung fu chef because we don't have other choice =p
wanted to watch the 'xing fu wan sui' but it's on next week and 18PL. xD

kung fu chef was quite nice. hmm. funny also lahh.
the wu jian hao was making the funny face. lol.
went to popular to buy somethings before the movie, but when i wanted to pay money, too many people and i put back the things in one place. xD
bumped into hui xin, mok mok, fennie, jae vonne, william, and xu jiao lian =x

after the movie went to popular again to take my things. oooh. those workers dy help me to put back at their own places. =.= so i have to take again . hahaha. i'm so stupid lah.
so, after buying some stationary, went to 7-11.
bought ice-cream =p

then called my father and i went back. wooohoooo.

thank you kohhh annn nnnniee anddd herrr sisssss. =)

ooh how good if i have a older sis =p

aaaaaaaah why i didn't bumped into you?!
yes im saying you lah enam. the only enam. xD how are you recently? =)
lol. can't believe that i type this out lol. hahaha.

omg. why i like to type lol and wtf. ? xD


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