Friday, February 6, 2009

byebye bdm mssd.

LOST dy...
in semi final.
no more stomachache but still LOST!
was in a good condition.
fine la. i chicken only. i admit lol.
sorry yea jae vonne.
if win then can in final dy.

and i lost to the same pair of double who beat me and shin wei last year.. Wtf!
ahhhh i think they're twins.
smash smash smash. GRRRRR
lucikly i manage to smash you back. =p
hmmph =/
but i keep miss. make fking many mistake.
diu me! LOL

=( zz

so i followed teacher's car to school. with desmond.
wait for my daddy to bring my uni because the teacher say later the pengetua saw me and scold me. Zzz

so, i just study for one hour only. =)

and i didn't change my badminton shoe and socks =P
i wore pink colour short socks. =p

sei yeh limie keep on saying i'm smelly =x
:D i'm happy when i was in the class while talking with them =)
they keep on making me laugh only.. haha
i love you guys!!

ohya i didn't go and take the medal. oppps. =x

took a photo with li wei while in teacher's car during the mssd. :D

so, went to beach run in the afternoon at gelora.
AFTERNOON! Zzz 2.45pm

mami fetched me there.
and i'm so early =p
there were only some of them and some teachers only. =ppp
me, li wei, annie, jun yuan, jordan, eu chen, chew, soh, nicole, carmen lee, tj, lum, adrian, caryne, hui hui, zhi xin, wai teng, renee all went. lol hmm. did i miss out anyone?

we purposely walk slowly.
and we stopped at some place that can climb one, to wait for jordan they all. cause girl and boys run seperately. err i mean not run in the same time lar. and then chew was fast and he climb on the thing and stand on it, suddenly roduan came and asked " kenapa tak lari? " we quickly ran away. hahaha. chew kena =p
and we was trying to run faster than roduan. =ppp but at last he said he don't have energy anymore and he choose the short cut way.

YES! and we just get one rubber band only lahh.

hehe. we're like almost the last ?
tj they all get two i think. LOL and they said next time bring our own rubber band in diff colours and straight away win.
then, we didn't go for the penyampaian hadiah but we walked to tc.
we choose the farer way just to avoid teacher. LOL
but then, walked half way hmm. almost out of gelora izzit?urmmx. a straight road lah. a car passed by us and stopped. omg teacher inside =.= and they asked where we're going. and we just... errr err only. we was like, walked a big round but at last saw teacher also. zzzz

TC very far arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrh.
5.15pm only reached TC.
i think we used bout 45 minutes izzit? if we started to walk at 4.30pm.
didn't see the time.

Tj they all reached 1st, then jordan they all then at last us.
jordan keep calling and asked us to walk faster =.=
and when the lori passed by, the wind damnnnnn strong =x
me, nicole and jun yuan walked together, and when almost reach that time, carmen came and walked with us.

when we reached TC, we was like AT LAST! haha
tired lah.
went to eat something at Mcd.
i ate banana pie ! and go curi they all's french fries. =p

and we saw this puppy at tc. it was so cuteeeeeeeeeee and furrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry and adorable.. LOL
nicole said she want to bring it back =p
just like doll only lor.
then followed Tj's car back. lum also.
and chatting in the car with them

reached home at 6.30 pm

bye bye.

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