Wednesday, March 11, 2009


today evonne, limie, and jordan went for tennis..
less sound. haha. =x the 3 shit didn't come to school. =.=

ahh, we did something stupid again.. haha...
this time was...... SUAN MING. omg.
Jun yuan was the one who read our fortune. =.=
he said till very pro =.=
hahaha. Damn funny!!
today we did kerja kayu. so, we gave a wood to jun yuan.. we asked him to touch it. XD
cause TOUCH WOOD.. XD what he said was all bad thing. but got some good things also la. lol. -.- and everyone was touching a wood also. XD
actually he was crapping only hahaha.
ohmygod annie said she wanna go back and find.. her house got three fortune books. ohmygod.

insane =x haha no larh. ;P

lol. all of us play till so happy xD

stayed back today but everything was cancelled. -.-
st john cancelled, basketball cancelled. duihx.
went to one stop for lunch with carmen lee.
cause li wei and annie got duty, they went back to school earlier.
after that, we went to library.
i borrowed two books. [Tinkle]
lol. i cut nicholas's face and paste on my kad pintar. ;P
and i borrowed books. at first i thought the pps there will scold me but luckily they never scold me . xD
i keep laughing lo when i borrowing the books. hahaha
so scared i will get scolded.
did some sejarah notes. xD
then me and carmen went to my class to wait annie li wei. They so slow la. xD
hmm. i played li wei's purse and all the coins dropped.
Oppppsie =x sorry li wei XD
but we took back the coins right ? XD
btw, thanks again. li wei <3

after that, went to basketball court lo.
got only one basketball. so we don't have bsb to play. and we went to borrow bola tampar from li wei's so called new friend. XD the form five guy. XD and then we use bola tampar to play bsb. =.=
many ppl came..those last year form five students. i saw many botak guys. sam, mura, ivan ho..and bla bla bla. dont know who la. XDD haha. LOL hahaha. =X
only 3 girls there =.=
li wei carmen and me.
im the last who go back home among the girls -.-
when i called daddy, daddy ny came and fetch me. luckily i called him. if not don't know wait till when =.=
went home at 6.25pm
Bye bye~~~

last but not least, GOOD LUCK to all who are taking their SPM results tomorrow. haha.
All the best

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