Saturday, March 14, 2009


went for badminton at 10am with wai teng, zhi xin, caryne, renee and tin jason.
thanks tj for the transport =)
YAY! I SAW SAY TSUI TENG!!!!! ooh and ming yan =)
ytd i chatted with her and said i miss her and long time we didn't meet.
and today i saw her at the court!! XD
fate? hahaha.
she's still so pretty and slim. i jealous larh =x.

well, yesterday, i met tzsuzzane (sorry i don't know how to spell her name). hmm. last year form 6 pps. she came to school.
haha. we played basketball together before! XD

hmm. forgotten what i want to write. =p

i changed my header and template. XD

To, You:

I have a soft spot for you, please don't give me the slip.

From : me
want to know the meaning? come and ask me! haha
can i tell you this? will you still my friend if you doesn't like?

haha. some idioms learned from english tuition just now.
@@ the teacher keep ask us to remember the idioms. and everyweek have to pass up a essay for him.

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