Sunday, March 15, 2009


Went to the popular just now to get some stationery since my things were always lost.. -.-
Yes, especially my eraser. i don't know how many erasers that i lost. Why people like to steal eraser huh? -.-
actually i want to find a novel. 这些年,二哥哥很想你 by Giddens.
I spent about almost 2 hours there == i mean in megamall la. but all the time was in the popular to find the novel. oO
YAY! and finally, i found that novel.. SO HAPPY lar.. XD
no need borrow from yun hua dy. she very sit dai 咯 everytime borrow me novel. =x
YAY!! so happy because my mami bought that novel for me. THANKS xD
oh ya, bumped into wui sim and hui wey. XD

yay this is mine XD

me and cousin~~


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