Tuesday, March 3, 2009

basketball competition

Ahhhh! i saw raney tan. XD
long time didn't meet her.

ooh. i saw shun gan too. her face is still the same.
nirusha also! xD
ahh she straighten her hair.
hmm still got who ar...?

and i met sim honda. primary classmate. he's studying at tanah putih. (now i only know XD)
when i went to tanah putih.. i saw him and shouted his name.
and he gave me a who are you face. =.=
then i told him we were in the same class while standard 6. and he can't remember me. =.=
fish la.. xD
waliao! =x

goh hui jue!! she said that she's regret that she transfered to TP. hahaha
cause they need to clip out their fringe. must see their dahi. xD
if some of our teacher go there sure very happy cause they love to see student's dahi.i mean their fringe clip up la. lol xD

and i knew some new friends. hmm
yen nee and sandy. tanah putih girls.
and also some ap one.

ooh. i saw hwee kuan too.

and saw some bro's friends.
ehh i know them!! but they don't know me. XD

and i saw a very yeng de girl. wahh! really yeng lo. and she's so pretty also lo.


okok. lets talk about the match.
first team was semsas right??
ok lo.
we lost dy.
lost 19 marks WTF!
lost to malay girls. DENG.
ooh this year is bull's year. nowonder. lol. haha.

now very hard dy..
tomorrow vs pandan..
then thursday vs ap..
must won two team ny can in.

hope we can win at least one team la.. =x

our school lost.
this match very interesting.
the AA no 11 shoot the ball with his back facing the basket. and the ball in!! XD

today was a rainy day.
heavy rain!! and i 7.25 ny reached school. late hor? XD
cause fetch my bro to ap first. a lot of cars.
then fetched me to sabs. many cars also.
from front door wanna walk to my class then need a long time dy. XD
plus banjir. XP

walaoooo. IM SICKED AGAIN! =/
fever + running nose.
today damn cold lo inside the class.
cold till my skin hair all standing dy. err. ji pi ge da.
shivering in the school for the whole day.
didn't bring any jacket nor sweater. but luckily i brought the pj shirt.
but still very the super cold.
plus my classmate don't wanna to switch off the fan. =.=

okiez la.. bye~~

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