Saturday, March 21, 2009


perhaps i have to do my homework?
still left a little bit.

there's many babies fish in the aquarium~~~~!!! WOHOOO! the colourful fish. haha.


I want Mcd banana pie!!! =x
I want chocolates!!! =x
I want sushi!!! =x

Some photossss took at yen yee's place~~
still got some at nicole's camera =x
don't know what happened to my phone's camera, all the photos not clear. zz

ehh. not middle finger only =x haha.

when we was in kindergarden. =.= the chubby me. ooh now still the same =x
no change pun =xx

elephant and frog were best friend. =) or PIG? hahaha.

its late now..
good nitex.

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