Saturday, March 28, 2009

turn off your lights!

huhu. my house so dark XD
annie and li wei came my house.
they two sot sot dei.. go follow the fan move -.-
so stupid.. don't know can pull the string let it don't move. muahaha
ohmygod kena kantoi. they beside me only.

huhu. i can't see the keyboard. wah so pro no wrong word XD

lame post don read. post photo now. XD
jusy rook. =.= just took sorry.

ehhh we took before 8.30pm XD

so fun XD
li wei and annie's mummy don't wanna come and fetch them ady hahahaXD

ohmygod today too happy dy =P


sabs close 2009

huhu. -.-
so tired...
went to teo at 8am.. then back at 3pm!!
stomachache till i cry.. -.-daiyima lo. today only come find me =x
Zzz. so........... hmmm.
single final i never play ! XD played awhile then walk over =P
cause lazy and sure lose =p and stomach kacau-ing me.
congrats to jae vonne!! 3 gold medals. xD
double... hmm.
me and my pretty+pro partner, jaevonne won! huhu~
then mixed double..
XDDD my partner was handsome+pro desmond..
all also tired dy.. simply play -.-
all don't know the marks.
but i know i always miss... so... i always make desmond lose. last year also. =x
so, we got second..
and we also don't know play till how many marks only XD
under 15 boys single desmond 1st. FUIYOH XD
then double desmond and zhe jun lo.. JORDAN AND LIMIE 2ND!!! FUIYOH!
then mixed zhe jun and jae vonne 1st..

limie and jordan - stranger team XD
two indian guy - sure lose team XD limie say de.
zhe jun and desmond - leng jai team XD
tj and azree - malay vs chinese team XD

then..... i forget what i want to write ady.

anyone can help me find about kegiatan ah long???!!!
stupid bm folio need xD

so tired
so happy XD

the left hand swollen. DENG.

Friday, March 27, 2009

sabs close 2009

went to the TEO at 2 something -.-
li wei came my house, we went together. lalala
then..........go there...................did what dy.. err
call people lo.i mean those participants. -.- before zhe jun come.
then after he came .......-.- kira marks.
i lil bit dislike the don't know who lo. look like ivan ho de. but not saying you la ivan ho. =p
he o... haihx. Deng. i also lazy wan kira for him. he like don't believe what i said. DDDDDDDeng.
finnnnnnnnnnnnne. luckily i kira one match for him only.
lol. i seems like very dislike ppl doesn't believe me huh? XD no la.. i think he quite lc.. lalala.
the hand very.......donno how to say lo.-.- i mean my hand which had been injected just now. the left hand -.-
thanks to GARY LAI!!!!! he go pukul my left hand. -.- sakit tau -.-

WOW!! got free ice-cream eat. XD
nehhhhhhh. the.....PPS ketua disiplin.. always find chew one..
he wanted to buy for zhi xin.. then i say i want also =P
he really bought for us also xD
btw, thank you !
ehh need pay back anot?XD

haihx tmr under 15.
single double mixed double.
-.- RM15. wtf

don't want play dy can?

wahhh the left hand very...lenguh. -.-
but cheh the injection also not pain. XD
after the injection only got rasa XD

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Maths teacher.. i started to dislike you.. perhaps is hate!
who asked her don't believe me.
i swept the floor dy HOU MOU???!!
DENG!! must sweep infront your eyes izzit?
hate` hate` hate`!!!
how if you had taught the students but students said you didn't teach? you like anot??!

suan. just write for fun``

sienz dy lor.

LOL~~~tomorrow injection.. wohoooooooooo~~!

saturday badminton close.
no mood play dy.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009





today is a special day! haha because is my dad's birthday =p

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


What the ????






What ????




sorrrrrrrrrrrry. lazy wanna think about that ??????????????? ^^




Not December..

六月 =))

one year.. has twelve months. wakaka.

Test coming la babiy.

i love As. who doesn't ? -.-
revision lo. but malas . then mati la. -.-

Need to find what for the history folio???

sigh. tmr assembly. Rain lo?
clever.. bodoh. -.-

today sivik really..zadao.
haha. Mr. yong brought us to the lab.
we played racing car with the papan in the lab. ```fun.
nehh.. the F1 car bought from shell. hahaha.
and then the dinosaur. so cute.. blue eyes with red tongue. can move one.. lolx
and then..magic!!. something look like crystal ball.. then when touch got don't know what. xD
haha. spec.

lol. changed spec again -.- Full frame black.
power had increased. ohmygod.
500 and 550. wtf?


sam din ha???? LOL!!
tak biasa.


Saturday, March 21, 2009


perhaps i have to do my homework?
still left a little bit.

there's many babies fish in the aquarium~~~~!!! WOHOOO! the colourful fish. haha.


I want Mcd banana pie!!! =x
I want chocolates!!! =x
I want sushi!!! =x

Some photossss took at yen yee's place~~
still got some at nicole's camera =x
don't know what happened to my phone's camera, all the photos not clear. zz

ehh. not middle finger only =x haha.

when we was in kindergarden. =.= the chubby me. ooh now still the same =x
no change pun =xx

elephant and frog were best friend. =) or PIG? hahaha.

its late now..
good nitex.


thursday, went to teo for badminton with them, mostly RK6.
keep get scolding by CB and jordan because I didn't run. =x
I'm not hippo. I'm elephant muahaha.

then went to yen yee's place.
made sushi =D
1st time. haha. didn't eat sushi before because mom doesn't like.
ehh. ate before one time. ppl gave, but its vegetarian. Not nice @@
so, we made sushi with tuna and mayonnaise.
and....its taste good! wakaka.
upload photo laterrrrr. =p
Ohh. we watched bridewar. but didn't watch finish. hahaa
I painted my toe nails into very light pink but somehow it looked like transparent =x
wakaka. i used yen yee's one. my house tak de a single one. =x
I want sushi !!! =xx hahaha.
I love chocolates =xx

went to mega at night with cousin came from Johor and also my 2nd bro (yi lou la) for a movie.
hmm. we watched Dragonball evolution!
KAME-HAME-HA! and finally piccolo lost. wakaka.
Goku is handsome. XD
Chichi is pretty XD
7 Dragon Balls.. hmm~
the movie started at 8.50pm and ended at 10 pm ++++.

And todayyyyyyyyyyy!!
hmm. went to semambu for badminton again with li wei, (Yesss she's back =p), pkm, jun yuan and jordan.
They didn't book the court. =='
So we can play for 1 hour only. 8AM-9AM. thanks to them =x
because the court is fully book.
OOOOOOOOOOOh. i forgotten Eu Chen!!! the limie. know what? he came at 9AM. wakaka. So, ended up he didn't play.
cause at first we wanted to play from 8 to 10 but no court dy..
and, li wei's bro came and joined us.
since its early, they wanna go to CC for DOTA.
Fast- still close.
CYK- still close.
dai sei =x
So, we went to Liang for some drinks. li wei, jun yuan, eu chen and me sit li wei's bro car, while pkm and jordan walked =x
I didn't order any drinks or food. wakaka.
oh no, i forgotten to on GG when i came back =x
back at 10AM. =)
EHHH!!! I WON KWONG MING! but he said he "fong sui" -.-

badminton at 3pm had cancelled.
i don't know why xD
So, i'm very free now. hahaha.

Yay my sj nota still left a little bit. -.-
Yay i haven't finish my bc essay -.-
Yay i haven't do BM folio -.-
Yay i haven't find don't-know-what-to-find sj folio's maklumat. -.-

tuition later. :x

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Today I'm sad

I found this picture.



badminton tomorrow!
yen yee's place tomorrow!

i found many cool photos (those photos above were part of it XD), leng lui photos and leng jai photos. XD

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Went to the popular just now to get some stationery since my things were always lost.. -.-
Yes, especially my eraser. i don't know how many erasers that i lost. Why people like to steal eraser huh? -.-
actually i want to find a novel. 这些年,二哥哥很想你 by Giddens.
I spent about almost 2 hours there == i mean in megamall la. but all the time was in the popular to find the novel. oO
YAY! and finally, i found that novel.. SO HAPPY lar.. XD
no need borrow from yun hua dy. she very sit dai 咯 everytime borrow me novel. =x
YAY!! so happy because my mami bought that novel for me. THANKS xD
oh ya, bumped into wui sim and hui wey. XD

yay this is mine XD

me and cousin~~


Saturday, March 14, 2009


went for badminton at 10am with wai teng, zhi xin, caryne, renee and tin jason.
thanks tj for the transport =)
YAY! I SAW SAY TSUI TENG!!!!! ooh and ming yan =)
ytd i chatted with her and said i miss her and long time we didn't meet.
and today i saw her at the court!! XD
fate? hahaha.
she's still so pretty and slim. i jealous larh =x.

well, yesterday, i met tzsuzzane (sorry i don't know how to spell her name). hmm. last year form 6 pps. she came to school.
haha. we played basketball together before! XD

hmm. forgotten what i want to write. =p

i changed my header and template. XD

To, You:

I have a soft spot for you, please don't give me the slip.

From : me
want to know the meaning? come and ask me! haha
can i tell you this? will you still my friend if you doesn't like?

haha. some idioms learned from english tuition just now.
@@ the teacher keep ask us to remember the idioms. and everyweek have to pass up a essay for him.

Friday, March 13, 2009

jordan's birthday

one of the 9 shit noob's member. =p
HE LOVE TO KACAU PPL.. kacau-ing ppl is his hobby..
the one who asked me why i never sms to wish him XD
sorry la.. i can't wake up at 12am. =p
LOL!!but i wished you in school, blog, and MSN!!
right right right? XD
he said he only received CASH. no need to buy present for him XD
suxin don't angry XD
hmm. so i wish you handsome always!
happy always!
and....... smile always XD



kena kantoi ;P

Thursday, March 12, 2009

deng. the tinkle i borrowed from library, some pages had missing. =.=
who so stupid just stole some pages only?? REALLY stupid! want steal also steal the whole book la =.= steal some pages only got what uses?? @@ and then all the pages were all come out. !!!!!!!!
how i gonna read that book! grrrr~ ahh! i'm gonna returned it tmr and borrow again ;P

i saw rainbow at school today!!


not really happy today..
hmm. perhaps?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


today evonne, limie, and jordan went for tennis..
less sound. haha. =x the 3 shit didn't come to school. =.=

ahh, we did something stupid again.. haha...
this time was...... SUAN MING. omg.
Jun yuan was the one who read our fortune. =.=
he said till very pro =.=
hahaha. Damn funny!!
today we did kerja kayu. so, we gave a wood to jun yuan.. we asked him to touch it. XD
cause TOUCH WOOD.. XD what he said was all bad thing. but got some good things also la. lol. -.- and everyone was touching a wood also. XD
actually he was crapping only hahaha.
ohmygod annie said she wanna go back and find.. her house got three fortune books. ohmygod.

insane =x haha no larh. ;P

lol. all of us play till so happy xD

stayed back today but everything was cancelled. -.-
st john cancelled, basketball cancelled. duihx.
went to one stop for lunch with carmen lee.
cause li wei and annie got duty, they went back to school earlier.
after that, we went to library.
i borrowed two books. [Tinkle]
lol. i cut nicholas's face and paste on my kad pintar. ;P
and i borrowed books. at first i thought the pps there will scold me but luckily they never scold me . xD
i keep laughing lo when i borrowing the books. hahaha
so scared i will get scolded.
did some sejarah notes. xD
then me and carmen went to my class to wait annie li wei. They so slow la. xD
hmm. i played li wei's purse and all the coins dropped.
Oppppsie =x sorry li wei XD
but we took back the coins right ? XD
btw, thanks again. li wei <3

after that, went to basketball court lo.
got only one basketball. so we don't have bsb to play. and we went to borrow bola tampar from li wei's so called new friend. XD the form five guy. XD and then we use bola tampar to play bsb. =.=
many ppl came..those last year form five students. i saw many botak guys. sam, mura, ivan ho..and bla bla bla. dont know who la. XDD haha. LOL hahaha. =X
only 3 girls there =.=
li wei carmen and me.
im the last who go back home among the girls -.-
when i called daddy, daddy ny came and fetch me. luckily i called him. if not don't know wait till when =.=
went home at 6.25pm
Bye bye~~~

last but not least, GOOD LUCK to all who are taking their SPM results tomorrow. haha.
All the best

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Lol. im super duper happy!!! =DD

6~ =D



oh no. lol..

YOR! i cancelled my name in the list who tarik tali just because nobody teman me stay back. and transport problem lo. Deng.
now so regret la.. and felt that im so stupid lo.
I wanted to join the tarik tali so much and i go cancel it. Zzz
and i didn't bring any shirts to change cause i don't even know today is the what sukan. actually i know..apon told me.. but i forgotten is this tuesday la. =.= haiyoooo. what the..
which is 2007 0r 2008 (don't know which year dy @@), i wanted to join and a malay teacher look at me from up to down and went away! he tak mau layan me!! i was like huh?? you don't let me join?? and at last i can't join that year. thanks to the teacher. #$!%&$*&!@$@^$*&(!!!
this year only write down the names, no need teacher choose. Zzz
suan liao la.. i was wondering whether Razak can win anot? XD
haha. nvm.


hmm. now i taught of something that i wanna write.. haha.
hmm. we did something stupid yet funny thing in class just now before the rehat kedua.
our class was in the library block, thats mean got ppl will pass by during recess lo? right? aiyo they wanna go library ma.
SO... We wrote something on a piece of paper.. HMM. "ZUO WEN XUAN" in chinese. we wrote zuo wen xuan big big on a paper. and hang it on the door.
Oh ya we wrote many on li wei's table too. those poster thingy all wrote hahaha.
I know you wanna say we nothing to do.. yaya. this only fun ma. keep studying also will sienz lo right?
Deng.. nobody see also. just like one or two ppl saw only. aiyo. sienz la.
hahaha. actually we purposely wanna write one... FOR FUN ma.
Was laughing all the time before going to moral. hahahaha
ooh. i love my classmate so so so so so much.

haha. =DD



Saturday, March 7, 2009


hmm. we won smk pandan! awww~ XD
nothing special? =x forgotten lar.
ooh. i was so embarrased lor. i walked to opponent's team place while i wanna rest..=x

hmm. played with smkap.
our marks were quite near. 1 marks only. and all of us were nervousssss.
but at last ap won. XD
we lost 5 marks. =x
we sit ap's bus back to their school since our school bus driver was ALWAYS LATE!
after reached ap, annie li wei carmen(lee) and me walked back to sabs. lol. xD
and.....ahhhhh there was nobody playing basketball in tapak.(usually got ppl) lol..
bumped into karjune and chee keong and don't know who..=x


thought wanna go TP watch basketball match.. but since annie li wei cant... i went to school to study. xD
luckily sejarah teacher never check our notes.. because i haven't do the bab 3 notes. xD
waliao. she teach very fast lor. one day never go school then she taught whole bab 3 dy . xD
in the afternoon, science tuition..
oooh ya teacher also cut the chicken for us to let us see those organs....
very interesting but the organs were somehow quite disgusting.
but for me is okok lorrr.

ehh. this chicken is so skinny.. =x

skipped the school gotong-royong perdana since my classmates all were not going.. XD
badminton in the afternoon until 5 and rushed to tuition at 5.30pm.
watched lee chong wei VS taufik just now! and Lee chong wei WON of course. ;DD
congratulation! =D

after playing, lin dan went to shake hand with lee chong wei and talked something.
How if Lin Dan said " haha you lost again. " ? XDD
but i think lin dan won't so bad. xD

Thursday, March 5, 2009

thank you cheng li wei..

Cheng Li Wei!!
Ahh!! I LOVE YOU!!

since li wei said its too small.. so...

nah your love la..

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

basketball competition

Ahhhh! i saw raney tan. XD
long time didn't meet her.

ooh. i saw shun gan too. her face is still the same.
nirusha also! xD
ahh she straighten her hair.
hmm still got who ar...?

and i met sim honda. primary classmate. he's studying at tanah putih. (now i only know XD)
when i went to tanah putih.. i saw him and shouted his name.
and he gave me a who are you face. =.=
then i told him we were in the same class while standard 6. and he can't remember me. =.=
fish la.. xD
waliao! =x

goh hui jue!! she said that she's regret that she transfered to TP. hahaha
cause they need to clip out their fringe. must see their dahi. xD
if some of our teacher go there sure very happy cause they love to see student's dahi.i mean their fringe clip up la. lol xD

and i knew some new friends. hmm
yen nee and sandy. tanah putih girls.
and also some ap one.

ooh. i saw hwee kuan too.

and saw some bro's friends.
ehh i know them!! but they don't know me. XD

and i saw a very yeng de girl. wahh! really yeng lo. and she's so pretty also lo.


okok. lets talk about the match.
first team was semsas right??
ok lo.
we lost dy.
lost 19 marks WTF!
lost to malay girls. DENG.
ooh this year is bull's year. nowonder. lol. haha.

now very hard dy..
tomorrow vs pandan..
then thursday vs ap..
must won two team ny can in.

hope we can win at least one team la.. =x

our school lost.
this match very interesting.
the AA no 11 shoot the ball with his back facing the basket. and the ball in!! XD

today was a rainy day.
heavy rain!! and i 7.25 ny reached school. late hor? XD
cause fetch my bro to ap first. a lot of cars.
then fetched me to sabs. many cars also.
from front door wanna walk to my class then need a long time dy. XD
plus banjir. XP

walaoooo. IM SICKED AGAIN! =/
fever + running nose.
today damn cold lo inside the class.
cold till my skin hair all standing dy. err. ji pi ge da.
shivering in the school for the whole day.
didn't bring any jacket nor sweater. but luckily i brought the pj shirt.
but still very the super cold.
plus my classmate don't wanna to switch off the fan. =.=

okiez la.. bye~~