Thursday, October 16, 2008


hmm. today, li wei dint go to school. =(( T_T
she went to bahau dy.. so miss her. xD
err. today really hak sei me. xD suddenly appear infront of me. LOL! enam lahh! who wan buy number? 666666 XD =x
errrr. my spec!!! arghh!!. im typing this without spectacles. and im short sighteness one 400+ degree one 500 degree. can u imagine? lol. , i cant see properly!! so.. if got wrong then tak pe lor hor? hee :)
my spectalces patah dy.. LOL. neh.. itu who lahh. jordan. xD luckily only the frame. hehe. and i can go and take my spec later. a new frame! ;) luckily, if not i dunno need to wait until when. im going to KL tomorrow. =x
errr. annie follow me back to my house cause her house dont have the sewing machine. lol. haha.
after she went back, i went to setali to play basketball. eunice lum and tin jason there.
siapa tau, played awhile then gv ppl sou qiong T_T they wanna play full court. zzzz
so i came back lo. haihz. sienz nya.
ooh ya! the new president for badminton club is benjamin! and the vice is wern yen! gratz! xD
and im one of the ajk called ajk gelanggang.

bye! ;)

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