Friday, October 24, 2008


errr. today is sultan's birthday! so, its PUBLIC HOLIDAY! for pahang only lahh. =p
huuuuhuuuuu~~~ xD
just now 8 in the morning, went to semambu court to play badminton. =))
9 shit noob went! but eu chen didn't go lahh. ishhh. so only 8 shit.
ooh ya. 9 shit noob this name is thought by evonne =)). nice name right?
li wei's bro went also. hahaha
FUN! and sweattttttt a lot. until my whole shirt wet. like mandi. xD
and i think we're the most noisiest one. XD
then 10am. went back to home.
while im waiting for my mom to come and fetch me,
two little malay kids were taking the shuttlecock from the box. err, many those rubbish one. LOL.
then they looked at me. and said ...
kami mau ambil bola.
ambil lahh.
saya ambil dua
saya ambil satu saje.

then they went in to the court, and came out again.
kami sedang main..
main apa?
lari lari.

then one of the kid dance.
shuffle ke?
the other kid said
bukan shuffle lah. macam ni baru shuffle. (he started to dance)
kenapa tak nak main badminton?
kami tak tau main.

lol...... then i go away dy xD

afternoon followed mom to tunas manja to buy things to cook tomorrow.
when go to the cold place. err, i mean sell hot dog those.
then i saw LALA. i played with the lala!!! xD
fun! childlish i know. when i touch it, it will close. is this nastic movement or thigmotoprism? XD
hahhaa. then went back to house luu.


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