Wednesday, October 1, 2008


today went to my mom's cousin house. cause hari raya marh. hehe.
aunty's ayam merah was superrrr delicious although its quite spicy. i love aunty's ayam merah sooooo much! and my house today was full of malay's food. nasi beriani, rendang. xDD
DELICIOUS! the food were given by my neighbour~~ my neighbour's nasi beriani is veryyyy delicious one. xD

went to setali for basketball just now.
well, my phone was stepped by one of the guy there.
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, my phone is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo pain now! lol.

ooh noo, my kh nota, haven't finish yet! must pass up after hari raya! ooooh me god. i must start to do my homeowork tomorrow ! MUST!

YEAH! i'm watching hot shot in YOUTUBE now. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

i want to go to megamall popular lar.
just now my cousin come find me but im not in home!

dai lou's birthday is coming. =D

byeee. go play SDO.

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