Sunday, October 5, 2008

hmm. yesterday dailou's birthday party was fun~ hehe.

today morning went for badminton training.
met a very LC guy.
after warming up, 4 ppl go to B court.1 VS 3. gilir-gilir.
then when i VS 3 ppl, he was one of them. he stand at front court.
when i out, he keep laughing me. diu. like himself very pro like that.
then he thought he very geng. i know you QUITE PRO, QUITE ONLY, but no need LC ppl lor. fkyou! but at last I still win. 3 ppl lost to 1 ppl. I WON.
you thought you lin dan or lee chong wei? sau pei la you.
that time i damn beh song. see him like wan beat him gau gau.
okay la. if you say the other 2 ppl make you lost. okay la. then don't count.
then teacher asked us to play. 1 VS 1.
then 21-15+++ i think. i forgotten the points.
I WON ! maybe he too LC dy make me suddenly become damn pro. when he smashed i also can defend! lol! but for those smash far far one i LAZY want run. lalala. see, i LC anot? wan LC me? i LC back you! diao! you don't think that only you can LC. I ALSO CAN LC YOU gau gau.
oi. i dunno what is your name la. I WON you know?? I WON! YOU LOST! this time is 1vs1 you don't have any reason.
don't so LC i tell you. i advise you only lar. WIN IS NOT FOREVER one you know??
LOL. then before warming down need to jump the skipping rope x1000. wtf! i jumped 1000 times!!! LOL. my hand so tired. when jumping, he so bu shuang see me. see what see? zzz

ok. today no bm tuition. ==' when i went to teacher's house ny know. haihx.

hahhaha. miss no good damn fei lor~ funny also. xDD
rainie really, LOL!
many dramas waiting for me! =x

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