Monday, October 20, 2008


hmm. went to KL last friday after school for a cousin's wedding dinner. izzit consider as cousin? i think so lah. hee.
so, reached there at about 7pm. then find dai lou for dinner.
after that, went to ah noi jie's house and stay over there.
the next day, woke up early in the morning. about 7am?
then went to ah chun kor's house. we reached there at around 9am.
too bad that he dy went to ah chun kor's sou house. xD
later, we walked to his sou house. very near. xD
this is the special wedding that i had never seen before. he followed the tradision.
use the tandu. XD cause their house very near.
so cool right? =D

my dai lou is one of them who need to angkat this tandu. xD

my dailou is holding the tandu. =p
hmm.. then walked back to ah chun kor's house, then got the drink teh thing. XD
then after that, took photossssss.

take angpao time! XD

find me find me~! xD

me!! inside the........tandu~


at night, when to vistana hotel for the wedding dinner.
hmm. overall, the food was delicious!!!
and the hotel is grand! beautiful! comfortable! LOL

me and cousin before going for the wedding dinner


the cake!

still got alots of photo, but i lazy wanna upload. xD sorry for my lazy-ness.
about 11 something. then the dinner end dy. =)
then went back to ah noi jie's house.

next day, before going back, went to one utama.
because i bising-bising want to go, so they ny bring me go. =p
but my parents dont let me buy things!!! T_T
but nevermind, at least i went 1U before. xD
then before going back to my house, went to my mommy's fren. (malay)
got jamuan, hari raya! lol

then went back home lu. reached home at 7pm. the rushed to tuition, who knows, that day no tuition again!
DANG! =='


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