Monday, November 10, 2008


hmm. last saturday, dai lou came back!
xDD we went to megamall at night. i wanted to go to popular to find story booksssss.
but...... i did not find any books that i like.
sunday morning, went to lembing for breakfast. =DD
cause dai lou going back to kl. aduiii.

yay! my friend bought a basketball for me dy. =DD
but i still wanna curse curse curse that stupid thief!! arghh!
now my new ball is molten beijing 2008. LOL. and my dai lou.... he brought it to kl.
cause forgotten to return me after he went to basketball. he left it inside his car.

hmm. today.. the last week for 2008. XD
but i don't want holiday. lol.
stayed back for badminton club meeting.
seiyeh president keep on zat me. =x

ooh ya!!!
finally i know who is that one who play miss call and ask me whether i'm suet chui's sis.

last but not least.....
good luck to everyone who is taking spm ! =D

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