Thursday, November 13, 2008

byebye form2!

tomorrow will be last day schooling for 2008!
i don't wanna say goodbye to my form2 life.... because, i love form2. =x
i don't wanna change block... because that block is high enough, bright enough!
and my place can see smart and their student (=='), many cars, cute mini bas xD, leng jai leng lui =x, ppl ponteng, ppl late to school xD, and lots of things and people.. lol. hahaha.

today, almost whole day stay at 2rk4 to play 21. one time"美美"only!
=DDD speechless.
lol. at first they..... bully me! lolx. no la. chey.=x
omg! owe des 1.50 and 2 xDD
yay! tomorrow having class party! it will be fun ! =P

...............12345 6 78910......................
thanks!im glad to be your friend. i hope you really treat me as your're kind and good. =D
remember me! friends forever! sms me when you're free!but..i think its impossible lorrrr =x超帅的可爱

corner with love

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