Friday, November 14, 2008

goodbye 2RK5. ♥

hahaha. agagaga. wakakka.
last day schooling.
many things happened.
but i'm still so happy.
errr. but i don't want long holidays. ehh. want want.. aiyo, 矛盾..

hmm. had assembly today. wow. and i brought handphone to school. xD
and heard that GPK took someone's handphone. LOL! we were so scared ==" but.. don't know lar.
my handphone was still very safe now =)
then, had farewell party? hmm, daddy purposely bring mommy's bread for me and my friends to eat. thanks daddy and mommy.
and then, went to 2rk4 see friends gambleplaying cards. =)
and don't know when, our class,2RK5,famous class among the teachers, began water war. hmm. water balloon war. and even ice war! wthh. =x
at first, i didn't play, i was still in 2rk4 listening songs.. but when i go in to my class, varsha put ice into my shirt. wthhh. x= so, i started playing with them since it looks so fun. hahaha.
but after awhile, i went to 2rk4 again. because i don't want to get wet! and later, i went to 2RK5 again, and i saw my bag got chocolate cream.. wthhhhh. x: so i quickly save my bag from the water balloon, ice, and cream war. LOL
then i stop playing dy. went to the canteen to find annie and li wei, then when wanna go up to class, heard that our class teacher was very angry because of class was full of water. ==''
then, we went to tapak for basketball with 2RK4 boys.
play only awhile, there was announcement. call all 2rk4 and 5 students go back to class. ==''

zzz so we went back to class lor. waiting for miss quek to let her scold. and mansot also came.
before they came, our class student were so hardworking cleaning the floor. xD
hmmmmm. and those who played get saman lor =x and get warning.
thats all. then, when miss quek asked who started first then they say chinese lor.
what also chinese lor. chinese dai sai lor.
but im sure that im not the one who start 1st.
but anyway, its quite fun. ehem.
miss quek warned us, no more next time? :x no more party? :x
and she asked us to pray and wish that she's not the one who teaches us next year. if not.. we will be very...charm? hahaha. LOL.

after that, i went to tapak to take my bag.
then benjamin and wernyen the president and vice president of badminton club, asked me to follow them to pejabat to take sijil.
and a indian ajk beh song me because i say don't wan go. but at last i still go what. ma de.
blah blah blah lah. zzz. don't want do mai don't want do lah. chey :x

where's my sijil penghargaan?! (jordan said because they don't wan gv me penghargaan, dont wan harga me? aiyarr sei jordan)
why i only have sijil penyertaan?!
why my partner got sijil penghargaan i don't have?!
beh song me!?
beh song or tai mm shun me also canot don't want give me my sijil de leh.. =x
canot like that der~
hmm, hiew suk fen, should i ask you this?
waited in the pejabat so long ny can take sijil. because waiting the pengetua to sign.
like waiting singers for their signature meh. =x
after that, go back to class.. nono. went to give people sijil. then went to 2rk6, jun yuan ask me to help him win bak ga lok. can't believe that i won. lol. won back junyuan's money. =)

then 12 noon, go back luuu.
byebye school, byebye 2rk5.
see ya next year lol. but 3rk5 dy? T.T

thanks yun hua for borrowing me giddens's novel.

《那些年,我们一起追的女孩》 - 九把刀 Giddens

《月老》- 九把刀 Giddens

yay! can read 九把刀's novel during the holidays.

miss my friends.....6.

good memory
. hahaha. i won't forget! haha..

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