Thursday, November 29, 2007

happy birthday ! love u ! muakz! (v0mit xD)

yo yo yo ! 29-11.. 29-11.. 29-11.. tell me whose birthday is ? wat? wat? said it louder! yea! is nicholas teo's birthday!! xD xD xD xD xD xD xD xD
my super idol!!! =P..
yea.. its today..nicholas birthday..

happy birthday to u..
happy birthday to u..
happy birthday to nicholas..
happy birthday to u..

i know u r at china right now.. just to wish u here!! hope u will c it! but u don't know d lar.. haiyo.. xD just now really suprised nic online today !! at .. hehehe.. i copy nic's pic that he had just posted just now! xD

u r cute! =P

for nicholas! bt abit ugly lar.. =P

happy birthday!

love u 4ever!

support u 4ever!

suetyen's super idol 4eveR!
(eukk) xD << nic's fan slogan xD

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


hi, I'm back.. long time i dint blog.. xD

actually, nothing to write also.. i think to write about my pangkor trip.. but.. the picture in camera.. so.. i lazy wanna write.. xD

hmmm.. today, evonne called me.. and we talk so long! we talk together i think gt 45 minutes.. lol
she said she sat liun.. but, i always don't believe her..because hor, she alwayz wan ye! watever, next time when she call me.. sure say nothing jor.. xD how i know? because i geng mar..xD

so, how are you guys? got go anywhere during holidays..? o.O

I'm going to change my spectacles.. hope can change to phillip morgan.. that nicholas dai yan.. xD

Sunday, November 18, 2007

playing kite ^^

yesterday, i went to taman gelora to play kite.. hahaha.. the 1st time i playing kite.. xD
nice game! wohoo!! hope i can go and play again next time! i went there about 6:00pm +++ ..
my dai lou fetch, me , jessie jie, my second bro, and my cousin bro (biao ge) xD
really fun!! i love playing kites now!! hahahaha! the kite alwayz drop 1.. lols =P
and then.. the sand is so soft.. i left many many foot prints there.. haha.. xD

aihz, tomorrow have to go to school lar.. sure wont kena choose 1... hahaha.. XD

Saturday, November 17, 2007


h0liday will be very boring? =(

Is just wat i said in personal message in MSN, i will always miss u! tapak perhimpunan..tapak is the place where i alwayz lepak at school, i love to go to tapak during school except perhimpunan.. xD.. tapak is also known as basketball court... wahaha.. which i alwayz play basketball there! =P

I will miss u my friends! << hbd li wei annie evonne (saLE!) ying toh raney kaykey li yee n more more more more more..
I will miss u Puan Maini! << my class teacher.. everyday bla bla bla in class.. or " Wai, mari sini." " Wai, hari ini siapa tak sapu kelas?" "Ketua kebersihan mana, kenapa kelas kotor macam ni??" n bla bla bla bla bla..
I will miss u my classmates << ellyas, that time fight with me.. i WON! wahhaa.. im elephant mar.. nobody can beat me.. xD apon, he will alwayz say hi to you when u keep seeing at him ! xD anis, have 2 mak on her face, li wei alwayz mo fang her.. xD cute ! wafi afif n amin, alwayz learn wat i said.. because they tukang buang sampah so i called them buang.. at the end they called me to buang pulak.. " Wai, buang sampah la lu.. " =.=
I will miss u genie! u are going to KL T_T im here to say bye see u next time! xD

nothing to write ar... sienz le..
p/s : damn..why half of this post hilang ady.. type again.. not same liao..T_T

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


hey! this is the last week i schooling in 2007!! 2008 is c0ming so0n!! wow.. so fast !! i dont wan =X...

i got back all my results!! very terrible larrrrr
i get 4A 3B 1C.. haihz..

BC 83 A !
BM 80 A!
BI 77 B! more three marks plssssss... ><
MAths 92 A!
Geografi 71 B!
Kh 77 B! more three marks again!!!plsss..><
Sejarah 55 C ! most terrible!!!

yerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr......... h0liday c0ming soon.. boreddd!!! no skul,no basketball, no chatting with friends just like at skul, no playing with friends.. lols..
friday we are having party!! in my class.. hehehe.. ~~~~ bye~

Thursday, November 8, 2007


wow!! today is deepavali!! happy deepavali to all hindu-s.. and also for annie ~! xP ..

today no skul!! today is FULL OF LEE HOM!!! wow!! LEE HOM!!!<< a good singer in everywhere~~taiwan,malaysia,singapore,china,amerika, OR MY HOUSE lols..
12pm MYFM!!<< i watch live in web@@ @ he was wearing a grey colour shirt.. xD his sound is so CUTE! lols.. he teach us to do some exercise!! hahaha.. im gonna do it! xDD who wanna follow..lols..
2pm AIFM !!<< i dint hear.. because.. my phone is charging.. and then.. Mp4 just finished battery.. =.= suan liao..
4:30pm 8 e News<< awww so CUTE AND HANSOME lee hom appear in MY TV! lols.. his sound is so special.. he's still wearing grey colour shirt..=P
8pm 988<< just finished listeninggggggggg, he wished everybody happy deepavali!! awwwwwwwwwwwwww.... lols.. his sound so cute.. lols.. his songs so nice!! he go ady.. finished ady.. cant hear to his voice ady today.. LISTEN TO HIS SONG! YAY! he is outside 988 now.. ( those DJ said d.. he is hui1-ing his hand to those DJ-s.. xD) i knew lee hom stayed at where.!!! he stayed at KL .. the place he staying there got many indians... so he saw many beautiful fireworks.. ahaha.. who got listen 988 will know~.. xD tomorrow 8pm .. lee hom is going to sungai wang.. for the only 1 qian chang hui in malaysia! i cant go.. s0bs.. i dint buy his album .. tak de $$ .. nicholas album? ade $$ .. xD sorry lar.. because ORI album i will only buy nicholas d.. this is my style =) .. see lor.. if he come kuantan.. i sure buy d.. xD i will change my mind..but i think mega or kuantan parade 's tauke sure sad.. cuz.. if lee hom come.. mega / kuantan parade sure burst.. dont cemburu lar.. who call he so famous leh.. =P hmm..

lastly.. see his picture.. and i wish lee hom's album will BIG SOLD! (da4 mai4) lols.. ^^ tata~~

Monday, November 5, 2007

im bek!!

yo.. setali court !! im bek!! hahaha.. finally my exam is over now.. whoooo~~ lols..setali court!! so long i dint go ady lar.. so long i dint touch my basketball ady lar.. LOL.. im so childlish .. i go n take a little boy bicycle n cycle..=.= lols.. nasib baik tak poncet.. =.= poncet then mati lar..the little boy sure cry..lols.. hehehe..

so sad when this morning while im going to school and i heard choong tan fook-lee wan wah lost to fu hai feng n his partner.. aihz.. choong tan fook, old ady arh.. xD hehe.. ganbateh in next year!! sure support u!! u must jia you lor.. xD

yoyoyo~~ i have a new basketball idol!! ALLEN IVERSON!! hahaha..

COOL ~~~~ lols..

sienz lar ...nothing to do.. i just can listen to my mp4.. nothing else to do.. listening nicholas songs =) this make my mood good~ make me happy ~ lols.. haha.. maybe.. ^^ nicholas u r the best~ for those who say u sucks or wat.. because they no "yan guang" xP hahaha... ~~~~~

Saturday, November 3, 2007


long time dint blog..lols.. yesterday, i went to the restraunt at air putih 1 (gao zhou hui guan zhu ban).. to take my MONEY! muahaha.. UPSR $$ .. lols.. so little nia..
i was suprise went i reached ther.. guess i saw who.. i saw hui wey..then wan qian~ lols.. when i went inside.. i saw 1 boy, that day played basketball with us.. if im not mistaken.. and then, i saw kar june! lols..and then! XIAO XUAN~~~~~happy larrr.. xD mok got go too!! haha.. and last i saw eva ( leng lui ).. lols..
i keep sms-ing with xiao xuan.. she was sitting at my next table only lar.. like that also sms.. lols.. bt dint take pic with her.. cux she say wear pinafo not nice.. her time ny can take.. SURE GOT CHANCE! she say d.. LOLS..
really suprise + happy! saw xiao xuan! wohooooo~~ xDD so long dint see her ady.. SO LENG LUI!! still hv a short short hair! lols.. hahahaa....