Tuesday, July 24, 2007

TUESDAY..a raining day~~

yo!! today tuesday dy worrrhh..no ttn ~~woh00oh00..sei lorr..y time past so FAST!!! more few dayssss gonna pass up my geografi folio!! omg!! not yet do finishhhh...l0lx...sei mou...hmm...so now..im doing my geo folio..bt hor..also dunno how to type can looksss long n th pharagraph lookss OK..==" so wait i think wat to write oni do larrhh..xDD
y tiz few dayz keep raining huh?! cuz the sky iz crying...the bumi iz too dirty..long time no take bath..so very sad..n was crying..f0r 2 days i think!!?!? l0l...l0l..l0l...t0day PUAN HARTINI dint come to skul!! i tought it will be fun!! who knowssss......is the dunno wat name hv a big XXXX d teacher come in..she pretend cool..pui!!! so fierce for wat..zzz wan follow the tiger..the tiger more good than u la teacher...zzz kanasai..
aihhzzz...so boring....boring...boring.... n the the the the the the sky rain rain rain rain rain rain rain~~~ dOnt STOP!!!!!! keep raining~~~ muahahaha..xDDDD

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