Friday, July 20, 2007

First time!!!!!~ muakxx..

his signature!!! YEAH!!

halo..tiz is d 1st time i hv a blog..hehe..
today!! itss a very very very happy day~~~ woho0oo00o0o00ooo.. is the 1st time i saw dreamx c0me true!! yeahh!! he is so so fair!!! leng jai!! muakx!! he wo4 shou3 v me!!!
n say thx!! n bye bye too!! yo!!! bt..i cant take his pic..aihz..nvm~next time next time~ hehe..n o..ther is so so so crowded!!! until wan batalkan dha qian ming hui~~ lol... when i reached ther..i saw many many ppl...hmm..i go infronT!! omg..the ppl behind keep pushing me..lolx..but..nasib baik din fall down haha.. they keep shout and shout but all is ZHI DE!!!! hehe..cuz i can see nic...muakzzz!! hope ur album will...DA4 MAI4!!! hehehe..
1st time i wo shou v nicholas..1st time nicholas smile v me..1st time nicholas say thx to me...^^
actually..this is dha 1st time i go megaz v happy..but my mom n dad keep calling me to go bek..aiyooo...aihz...
today i just a DAMN HAPPY DAY!!!!
itz all for today..=) cant forget this day..20072007..

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