Friday, July 27, 2007

basketball day~ ==

today...nothing special lor...come bek from skul...washed my shoes..then..2pm go bek skul liao..cuz mum nt at ktn..eunice mom mus be early...reached bsb lo..haha..cuz juz now school dismiss yin yin gv me a me to bring i hv a play..after awhile..annie's biao ge..(that 1 form 3) came..then..many many many ppl came~~ lol.eric..muhammad[sumbody wearing tis shirt]..loke..n lau yoon seng..n 1 got wear earing 1..lolx..they come play together we us~ lala..not fun..cuz i cant get d ball!!! too short!!! sobzz..xD
wahhh..the ball keep masuk longkang..summore d most dirty 1 !! omg!! lol..masuk last time..all zau lou..aduuh..oo..they hving dunno wat explorace?! sui pian la..then hor..eunice fall down..her shoes..all wet..very dirty..eukkk..masuk longkang.. haha..4 sumthing..the black ppl ball..hit the black ppl..aihz..i said SORRY[soli]..but..the black ppl dint choi me..aihz..dunno wan to call u call u black ppl..xD but hor..when other ppl zhuang4 him or hit him say sorry dy will talk n laugh with the ppl wor..zzz play competition wor..jus shoot lo..all canot masuk!!! really ...REALLY sat4 bai3 lo...aihhzzzzzzz so sienz..the wind blow so big!! haha..wanna rain!! rain is coming!! lol..the sand all can fly..haha..FUN + NOT FUN lo.. tomorrow got school..sienz..

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