Sunday, July 29, 2007

AP's karnival koko..^^

tis is the 1st pic i took..
tis is wui sim..n behind ther..rachelle..actually got many ppl d..but when call wan take photos..all zau lou..==

si hui is eating sumthing that bought from ther..hehe..curi curi ambik punya..

tis is sook yee..she a..kap-ing leng jai in the canteen..lolz..

tis is the sign board..haha..i heard many ppl screaming inside!! waaaa..

tis is scary maze section!! sw the ppl's eye?? black d..

these o..duno wat lai d it was made by pengakap..

these are the coupon..

today i woke up early than other sunday..becuz.
i heard my phone is ringing!! waaa..take up my phone wei is calling early meh...than i answer the wei wanna ask me whether who sent the message to her n annie..about got a competition at setali 1..then she asked me whether noe anot..i said i noe..jane told me last night lehh...ok la..then bb finish dy 6:32am++ waaa
then continue my sleep again..after 10 mins like wei send a messsage to me again!! going to i wake up..n go into the toilet..then..sleep again..haha..then..5 mins later...i woke up..n take bath..i hv badminton training today..ok..before 8am..i reached pei chai..for my training..i played single..for 2 match..all also..but the last match! i lost!!! omg...lolz..nvm ..after 10 am..bek from the training..!!n my breakfast is kuew teow..hehe..very nice leh..xD

almost 11am..
sook yee n sihui keep calling me go to the karnival koko..lolz..keep sms sms sms sms n call call call call call call so many times..lolz..really arhh..xD then finally i say i will go after eatin my lunch..after eating my lunch i call my dad to send me to ap..that time was 11:45am..i called sihui n sook yee wait for bus stop..lolz..finally i reached ther!!! lolzz...when i reacher ther..then i masuk to the skul la..many ppl..selling things...i saw many frensss..n weng lao shi..pei chai teacher..that 1 very fierce 1..==n hor..i also saw..puan ooi..she's so cool wearing a black spectacles!!hehe..saw many frens! hui xin, yeen qian, wui sim, rachelle, sook yee, shun gan, si hui, chai, ah miao, eileen , cui yee, may ta, ming yan, tien pei, ivy...haha..yea..i saw the famouse long jia yi also..xD i played her..i called her..n say hi to her..xDD she also dunno me d..n i also dunno her..i call shuang!! muahaha..yea lo..eileen is selling called si hui to bong chan her..xDD we bought a dunno wan potato..nice to eat also mayonis inside..xDD so happy..when hui xin they all saw me..they called my name xue yan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lolx..hehe..i took some picss..very less ny..sobzz...

Friday, July 27, 2007

basketball day~ ==

today...nothing special lor...come bek from skul...washed my shoes..then..2pm go bek skul liao..cuz mum nt at ktn..eunice mom mus be early...reached bsb lo..haha..cuz juz now school dismiss yin yin gv me a me to bring i hv a play..after awhile..annie's biao ge..(that 1 form 3) came..then..many many many ppl came~~ lol.eric..muhammad[sumbody wearing tis shirt]..loke..n lau yoon seng..n 1 got wear earing 1..lolx..they come play together we us~ lala..not fun..cuz i cant get d ball!!! too short!!! sobzz..xD
wahhh..the ball keep masuk longkang..summore d most dirty 1 !! omg!! lol..masuk last time..all zau lou..aduuh..oo..they hving dunno wat explorace?! sui pian la..then hor..eunice fall down..her shoes..all wet..very dirty..eukkk..masuk longkang.. haha..4 sumthing..the black ppl ball..hit the black ppl..aihz..i said SORRY[soli]..but..the black ppl dint choi me..aihz..dunno wan to call u call u black ppl..xD but hor..when other ppl zhuang4 him or hit him say sorry dy will talk n laugh with the ppl wor..zzz play competition wor..jus shoot lo..all canot masuk!!! really ...REALLY sat4 bai3 lo...aihhzzzzzzz so sienz..the wind blow so big!! haha..wanna rain!! rain is coming!! lol..the sand all can fly..haha..FUN + NOT FUN lo.. tomorrow got school..sienz..

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Evonne's birthday..

tis is d kissing fish..which put between d card..haha..
the 1st page!! a very very cute cow eating a delicious cakE!! eat until all its mouth got the cake..haha..

tis is the last page of our card...

tis is the inside of the card!

tis wrote from li wei...she a..wan write to evonne write me pulak...lolx...still ask me jealous how to spell!! really a..but i duno she is writing evonne d birthday wor..she so so so so happy cuz jane gv her a kiss woor...FUIYOH!!! me,li wei n annie draw a "foliO" to her....she.....also damn happy...lolXx!! i dint take the "FOLIO"
pic so cant post here..hehe..n then orhhh.....evonne hor.......she oo.....nothing la lol~~ ok la...happy birthday to evonne~~~i noe eu chen no wish u so u not happy ler....rite rite rite??! xDDDD bluekkk...xDD hor..BM..we go LC ..then..teacher call us to find pantun teka teki....n pantun lucu?! then hor...we found a teka teki..
damn cold u noe...aiyooo...
penyakit most famous in CHINA..(sumthing like that la..)
the answer is o!!!! = kung flu...
realllllllly REALLY REALLLY REALLLLLY C0ldDDD!!!! wahhh..
freezeeeeee...xDD n n evonne curi curi buka someone blog~ then hor..i use my komsas book to zhe zhu..the teacher saw~~ n then he call us to buka the blog..then we no choi him...then after we close the blog....i still use my book to zhe zhu..then the teacher say..gv me the mouse...he say wan find pantun for us..but...he wan go open d blog!!!! muahahahha...we closed it~~~ xDDDD lalala the teacher kena tipuu...~~lalalalala~~xDD ok lo...bye~

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

TUESDAY..a raining day~~

yo!! today tuesday dy ttn ~~woh00oh00..sei lorr..y time past so FAST!!! more few dayssss gonna pass up my geografi folio!! omg!! not yet do finishhhh...l0lx...sei doing my geo hor..also dunno how to type can looksss long n th pharagraph lookss OK..==" so wait i think wat to write oni do larrhh..xDD
y tiz few dayz keep raining huh?! cuz the sky iz crying...the bumi iz too dirty..long time no take very sad..n was crying..f0r 2 days i think!!?!? l0l...l0l..l0l...t0day PUAN HARTINI dint come to skul!! i tought it will be fun!! who the dunno wat name hv a big XXXX d teacher come in..she pretend cool..pui!!! so fierce for wat..zzz wan follow the tiger..the tiger more good than u la teacher...zzz kanasai.. boring....boring...boring.... n the the the the the the sky rain rain rain rain rain rain rain~~~ dOnt STOP!!!!!! keep raining~~~ muahahaha..xDDDD

Saturday, July 21, 2007

y0..a b0ringz but good mo0d day..

im mo0d is still s0 go0d..hehe..cuz..yesterday's scene is still in my mind~~ flaoting in my brain..haha..i juz ate my dinner juz eat zhai1..cuz my c0usin came! he's from KL! n he eat we juz follow..hmm..NICE TO EAT 1 leH..exspecially my mom cook..haha..
hmm..just now msn sign iz putting "away" but somebody still chat v me..u noe wat she type in dha 1st sentence? "nicholas so ugly" 2nd sentence " so stupid so LC" n appear to be offline..zzz so WU LIAO !! i jux type "....................." for her.. i think she sure iz nothing to wan come n make my mood bad..i wanna tell u something here.."sorry, u cant make me mood is very good..i wont cuz ur this few word until my mood will become bad..cuz i know u r too boring..haha.." hmm..actually hor..i know..sure got ppl dont like nic 1..cuz every singer sure got ppl like ppl dont like..but n0 nid purp0sely come n talk bout his bad things la..aiyo..juz RELAX! no nid everysecond everyminute everyhour everytime everyday everyweek everymonth say bout those singer that u dont like d bad thing..u dint feel that is so so so WU LIAO meh..ok.. change other Topic [i think is also same topic]..hehe.. many ppl ask me.."did u go to Megaz yesterday? " then i will reply YEAP.. hehe.. n o..another wu liao fellow..come n ask me nicholas got sing anot..then i jus replied NO mayb im late but i think he dint sing..then that fellow say..sure la..nicholas so gai...will sing wan meh..he sure scared he sing everybody throw him dont dare to sing.. walao! so now wat meaning huh?! zzz dai lou bek from kl !! yay~~ happy duhx..!! xD
oO..mayb iz toO long for tis post..haha..^^ c0ntinued next time~ hehe bye~last..hope nic can performes very good today on 988 A party! hehe..good luck ya..muakxxxX

Friday, July 20, 2007

First time!!!!!~ muakxx..

his signature!!! YEAH!!

halo..tiz is d 1st time i hv a blog..hehe..
today!! itss a very very very happy day~~~ woho0oo00o0o00ooo.. is the 1st time i saw dreamx c0me true!! yeahh!! he is so so fair!!! leng jai!! muakx!! he wo4 shou3 v me!!!
n say thx!! n bye bye too!! yo!!! bt..i cant take his pic..aihz..nvm~next time next time~ hehe..n o..ther is so so so crowded!!! until wan batalkan dha qian ming hui~~ lol... when i reached ther..i saw many many ppl...hmm..i go infronT!! omg..the ppl behind keep pushing me..lolx..but..nasib baik din fall down haha.. they keep shout and shout but all is ZHI DE!!!! hehe..cuz i can see nic...muakzzz!! hope ur album will...DA4 MAI4!!! hehehe..
1st time i wo shou v nicholas..1st time nicholas smile v me..1st time nicholas say thx to me...^^
actually..this is dha 1st time i go megaz v happy..but my mom n dad keep calling me to go bek..aiyooo...aihz...
today i just a DAMN HAPPY DAY!!!!
itz all for today..=) cant forget this day..20072007..