Thursday, December 4, 2008

work? lolx

hmm, followed mom to work today. xD at klinik.
heeee. i just help to stick the medicine's name sticker on the sampul ubat. hahaha. xD
so easy right? =p
then after that, we went to pasar malam.
long time no go there dy~ lalala.
but.. i met a very LC people selling don't know what, errr.. mee? many things la.
then my mom mai go open the cover to see what inside lor, then the LC lou said don't open my cover, i tell you what i sell you want buy what just tell me. WTFFF! how can ppl buy your thing without seeing what was that??
wow, don't want people open cover then find one transparent's thing to put lar. cheh~
don't know how to do business. zzz

I'm watching Love or Bread. xDD
haha. ga hou yut yun still left 3 ep. XD

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