Thursday, December 11, 2008


oh my godddddddddddddddddddd.
i just can't believe what i had seen just now, in the afternoon.
when i was in the toilet, i heard my grandma was shouting to ask us to lock the door, she wanna go after that i rushed out to see what was happening outside. i saw many people infront of the beautiful house( the house just renovated) , so i walked there and i saw a uncle was lying down infront of the house!! oh my god, i went near to see, the uncle was about 60-70 i think, his mouth got blood! and i asked the people there, they said this uncle fall down from the roof! i was like, walao!? and this uncle's wife was crying so sadly, and keep calling him to wake up, and shaking him!!
so i tried to call this uncle , but i no shake him la, cause he fall down from the roof leh, so damn high. >.< " uncle!! uncle!! " but he didn't reply me................................................................................................................................................................................................
one of the people there dialed 999. and they were asking why the ambulance haven't arrived. =.=''
but then luckily someone bring the uncle to the hospital.
haihz.. i hope the uncle will be fine....!!! please....!!!!

how good if 好彩妹was there, so she can use her 仙藤 to save the uncle! ooopss watched too many drama nowadays.


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