Tuesday, March 4, 2008

last saturday and sunday. =)

hehe.. im gonna talk bout last saturday n sunday since i dont hv time to write at that day.

I went to a small little baby girl's birthday party on saturday.
hehe.. Nasi Minyak!! my favourite!! xD and of course have eggs.. RED eggs.. XD
the food there is delicious!! got prawns, satay, KFC's potato and salad.. and more and more.. xD
oh yea. the birthday cake is cute!!have cutie horse, cutie pig, cutie cutie things on it..=P and of course its so pretty!!! omg!! i want that cake on my birthday too!! =P but, its all jelly only..=xxx

hmm..sunday.. i went to megamall with an nie and li wei again to buy alas meja.. xDD
we walk and walk and walk to find.. we go and ask for the plastic 1.. who knows, it cost RM100++ for 17 meter.. omg! we dont have so much money. since our class's student is so kedekut.. want they pay for RM 2 also difficult ..haihz.. finally, we bought the paper 1.. those which for wrapping presents. lol. we dont care.
after we bought alas meja, we went to bata's shop to buy li wei's basketball shoes.. she bought SIZE 8!!! ohmygod. its too big for her lar. but she ok.. when she went back, she get scolded by her mom for buying so big size..=.=
we hanging around there. xD but nothing to see also. =xx

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