Saturday, March 8, 2008


As usual, we stayed back for activities again on friday.
We went to one stop for our lunch. today dont have so many people because SMKAP student no need to go to school. haha. after we had our lunch, we saw the egg thing infront there, so we went there to try our luck! xD yea. we played the one which can get kuma kuma (cute little turtle) . Evonne and Annie cant get..=( Li Wei and me GET!! wahaha!! so good luck rite.. xD but i cant get the naruto 1. =( After that, we went back to school.. xD after our debate class (actually we nothing to do there cause we dint competition.) i waited at tapak for my dad to bring me my stuff( bsb those).. then i changed my shirt with li wei.. and we started to chat at tapak and we listen songs together. Good memoriess!! xD

Around 4 pm annie reached. So we played match. 2 on 2. annie li wei 1 team, eunice n me 1 team..
i pokai!!! == haihz haihz haihz. when i was running to take the ball, li wei running too..then, i accidentally kicked li wei's BIG SIZE(too big for her. haha) new bsb shoe.. so.. pokai lor. xDD my spec FLEW away from me.. wakaka. i still din wake up tat time.. my tears wanna come out, i use my hand to close my face. xD girls standing around me. lol then, somebody came and ask me.. i quickly rub off my tears ( one drop only lar) n wake up.. and then go wash my palms and knees.. WAAA!! like put cili like that.. =.= after awhile.. training started.. then train lor. until 6 sumthing then went back home.


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