Monday, March 17, 2008

just finished watching 'the seventh day'..
A very very nice drama.. it has a happy and nice ending!! xD

I went to pei chai just now for badminton competition..
I will play tomorrow...I tot wanna go back to school but i nvr bring any b00ks.. I asked the teacher, the teacher called us to stay there..My class should be happy because Pn Kamilah(our science teacher) at Pei Chai~~
I went to the pejabat and i saw Puan Koay~ and Puan Anitah~ xD
My primary school teacher.. Both taught me when i was standard 6..
Oh yea, I went to the toilet too.. XD I'm higher than the mirror inside the toilet~ wahaha..XD
I want to go back to Primary ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I want to go to Nicholas's "From Now On" Concert!!=(

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