Sunday, March 9, 2008

3on3 Sabs Closed.

oh yea. i joined 3 on 3. xD
reached school's basketball court around 7:30am.
when i reached there, i saw they all (boys) were sweeping the water. xD HARDWORKING!!(playing lar.. =x)
the court is full of water because of RAIN! hahahaha.. oh ya, i want to play also lar!!
then then then, many many people reached. lol. yin yin reached!! she brought a big tupperware full of chickens, sausages, potatoes!! ahh!!IT'S LOOK SO DELICIOUS! i want it too!! she gave me a little bit of sausage. THANKS!! ^^ wahaha.

the 1st team we played with is Moo6.
They really moo!!!!!! Don't know which one hit on my leg (injured one).. haihz..
LUCKILY WE DINT GET ZERO!!!!!! Our Team get 1 marks on the last 5 seconds. I shoot 1!!! *bangga* BUT........... lose also............
then we played with spartans.. WAT THE F lar. GET ONE MARKS AGAIN......zzz I shoot 1 also. XDD
Anyway,we played the best la...... but lose also lar. haihz. haihz. haihz. HAIHZ!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm quite dissapointed..
ITS FUN!! haha..

Why we will lose?? cause we chicken.. lol. ==
Yin yin that team lose too.. lose to moo6.. i tot YIN YIN SURE WIN!! haihz haihz...
HAIHZ................. HAIHZ.................. HAIhz...................
anyway, gratz to "v one v" team.. They won for under 19 girls
gratz to caleb that team too. they won for under 15 boys..
And.. im not sure who win for the under 19 boys. xD

Thanks GOD that i dint POKAI for the second times. ==
here are some pictures..xD

li wei annie masage-ing yin yin ..XD

LOL! see wat's chia doing. ==
THEY are TOO high! hahaha..

its them. xD

one of the referee. there's two referee.
this one very good 1..get free mc donald's french fries from him.. xD haha =P
still got another one at other court. dint take his photo. =x

I came back home around 1:45pm but the game haven't finished yet. ==

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