Friday, February 1, 2008

hee haa!!

hee haa!!
friday again.. today is n0rmal..
PJ, hee haa!! but t0day's pj also nt fun 1.. =x
stayed back at school today for debate class again..
i get a new topic again!!
中性角色能否接受..正方或反方? which 1 better?
oh yea.. we are late for the debate class! xD luckily don't have any punishment..=P
went to one-stop for lunch.. saw many AP students again..
this time not same.. saw my brother's friend!! but i tak kenal them.. =s
then.. i took balloon from Digi!! they were having promotion!! xD
" I will follow you~" lol

after debate class, basketball time!!!!
play basketball suddenly became th0se st john state competition people's casualty..
not going to post the photo out! =P
haihz, today's basketball really b0red.. next time d0nt wan stay back for basketball liao if dont have training..
play at setali! bleh!
so boring.. =.=
i saw kai kor cycling there!!! lols!
back at 5:++pm..
then, walked to setali to meet my friends there.. PLAY BASKETBALL la..
don't think narrow~
and then, came back home at about 6 something..
then.. then.. then.. ok la.. nothing to write.. bye~

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