Thursday, January 31, 2008


Today is the first time I use gergaji..
i used gergaji to gaji my kayu..
i did kerja kayu t0day in bengkel..
is that fun? i'm n0t sure.

I went f0r basketball today..
there's many ppl..
boys(many) and girls(3 only)..
they keep taking my bicycle..
they keep taking my bsb!!
Lol.. i know, they are playing..xD
Im happy when i was playing basketball..
But..i will fan when i was thinking that stupid thing..
haihz.. the thing can change my mo0d? NO! NO! NO!
the stupid thing w0nt change my mo0d.. yea.. i knew it.. IT WONT CHANGE!
sometimes.. i felt that i was tired to be your friend..
can i dont to be our friend? No, its impossible..
I treat u as my friend..
Im ikhlas to be everybody's friend.. why should u treat me like that??
suan liao.. f0rget about it..

hmm.. tomorrow.. it's tomorrow.. Lol
i still dint find any Point.. LOL.. f0rgive me!
i cant find.. g0t lar.. but little point only.. xD

Oh ya! who wanna learn dance? At fei yang..
got break dance, shuffle, kid dance n two more i forgotten wat liao..
just helping somebody to promote.. xD

Yor.. sienz lar.. nothing to write already..
stop here.. will write next time if i hv something to write..

this two picture took on last friday.. xD

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