Monday, December 24, 2007


Star live concert had finally over...... Nicholas is the first singer to sing.. altough he is sick that day.. he still can sing well!! ganbate My lovely idol!!! u will be very very famous 1 day just like andy lau or other famouse singer.. *supp0rt u forever* MUACKSS!!

i received a christmas present from jessie jie!! i love that cute little thing.. thx very much!!
love jessie jie!! xD <3 =)

I'm here to wish u guys merry christmas!! =)

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Tang yuan!!!

its 6 something in the morning...xDD
im helping my mmom to make tang yuan~~~ lalala~~
later i can sambil watch nicholas.. XD sambil makan..

smile~~ =))

Friday, December 21, 2007


finally i can online! but just for awhile
later the modem's light blinking again.. zzz


No internet is so damn bored.. i don't know what had happen to the fking modem..
Can't watch movie ,can't go to , can't blog , no msn..=(

Today morning, i went to pei chai for my badminton training..the teacher keep scolding me..
because my shuttlecock reach half court only.. sometimes din't even reach half court.. haihz
why can't i beat harder so that the shuttlecock can reach the end of the court??!!
I'm so big size but can't beat harder??!! oh gosh.. impossible! now, i love basketball more..
just because of the stupid reason..=P zzz I must be more pro in badminton!!
i already learned so long liao.. 1 year + leh.. no improve better don't learn..=.= arrghhhh!!!

Yeah! today my cousin came to my house again..!! hahaha.. so i will not feeling bored anymore!
Again, we went cycling! xD but 1 bicycle only lar.. xD i cycle only mar..
my bicycle can carry 1 person only.. so i carry 1 of my cousin , and another 1 run lo..xD
i called her not to follow me because cant carry two person.. but.. she told me..
" nvm lar..i run.. can diet mar.." =.= so lame..=P and then.. we only can play Mario..
because no internet.. i played until sienz liao.. from world 1 to wolrd 8.. all completed..
And i saved Mario's gf =) wahaha.. Mario is so happy! xD but the browser R.I.P !! xD
All it's house had destroyed!! by me!! xD hahaha.. Mario is Cute!!

Now, i had nothing to do.. just listening to songs.. =)
Really hope i can call all my good friends to basketball court..
Play basketball together..
Keng gai together..
It will be very very exciting , happy , fun ...right?

Tomorrow, i have to go to kuantan specialist hospital again.. for my nursing course..
haihz haihz..hopefully the nurse there or anybody wont tell me "canceled" when
i reach there!!

.Smile always.
.Happy always.
.God, Please Bless Me. Thank You



Yesterday night, while i was watching tv.. i heard something!! "krong~" "KRONG~!!!!"
lol.. i was at upstairs that time..i climb the window n see... i saw a big lorry.. with two COWs..
Omg.. wat for my neighbour need a cow?? i wake up my grandma.. she say they wanna kill it..
because they muslim ma..they wanna eat it..OIC..
today afternoon, almost 1:00pm.. mean just now.. i saw how they pull the cow up to the lorry,
they gonna bring it to dunno where n kill it.. damn!!
SO CRUEL!!! the cow is so kesian.. sobs.. cried for it.. =.=
they tiw a big string on it's neck.. n pull.. the cow duwanna to walk.. so they find a big stick to beat it.
finally, the cow went up to the lorry.. i think the cow takut sampai kencing..
SO many urine!!!! haihz.. the lorry there all it's urine.. n the floor...
sobs.. the cow sure will cry when ppl gonna kill it..


/i wrote in notepad while no internet.. xD\

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


(",) luckily today afternoon no rain.. wahaha.. good weather!!! no rain!! what to do?! basketball lar!! xD just now bout 4:00+ eunice came to my house, called me to play basketball .. i was watching tv that time.. xD so i said 4:30 lar..and i called her to come in my house 1st, more 10 minutes only reached 4:30, she dun wan and she went back.. after that she called me..and say she duwan go n play liao.. wth!!!!!!! lol.. suan.. i go myself.. =P i cycle to the bsb court with my cousin without ball..
omg! they use HALF COURT NIA!! (all boy.. setali take de girl go =.=) still gt half court! my place!! wahaha =)) i saw my fren (evonne n a small girl) so i keng gai with them lo.. xD i wan go play bsb but lazy wanna go back take my ball..because there got 7 ppl.. if i go take they sure play full court..except those bigger they nvr come.. at last.. i never play basketball at the court.. i just cycle around there .. =.= .. now, im REGRET! ==" ==" ==" ==" ==" but luckily i played at home.. lol..=="

Sunday, December 9, 2007

=) =D =P happy days...

Saturday 08.12.2007!
Last night, my whole family ( dad, mum, dai lou, er lou, jessie jie and I) went to giant..xD we went they by A car! lolx.. pro! =P
i saw many people there! the parking was full!!! xD we round and round..finally we found a parking lot.. xD oh yea, i also saw wui sim, malco, and 1 boy same school with me..xD After came back from Giant, our stomach (except my mom n dad) were full! haha.. because Giant mar.. many things there.. and there, they promote this promote that.. so we try this try that, eat this drink that lo.. xDD

Today 09.12.2007
my dai lou brought us to Kuantan Parade today! xD i asked him bring me to Parade at 3;00 pm but he said he busy! xD so i cant see boy frenz lo.. =.= but, i bought a new milk teddy purse today!! yay!! xD Rm 15 (tiruan?!!) xP xP afternoon, dai lou brought us again to taman gelora to eat karipap!! delicious!!! xDD Now, dai lou went back to Kuala Lumpur.. =(

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

斗牛﹐ 要不要?!


wore earrings..


when to pc fair, and bought a new printer <> this cost RM189/199 (forgotten).. 3 in 1.. can scan, copy and print ..


started my maths tuition ..


hmm..I'm watching taiwan's drama there few days.. i just finished watching a drama<<黑糖瑪奇朵>> that act by 棒棒糖& 潶澀會美媚... their 感情 between friends is so freaking good..they all are always so good! they will help each other when that person need help! 十姐妹 六兄弟 they are same class!! both of them are so good at the end altough the girls and boys always fight in class when they six brothers just came to their 2 nian2 6 ban1~.. i hope i can be like them....hope i can have nine good girl's friends just like 十姐妹[i already have some!] and six good boy's friends just like 六兄弟[I have meh?].. =P this drama is stupid bt funny!!!

Now, i'm watching 斗牛﹐ 要不要?! just watched untill episode 3..because taiwan also episode 3.. nice drama!! is all about streetball!!! [basketball] but no rules d.. =.= lol!! geng!!! xDD i think 籃球火 will be a nice drama too~~ =)

Waiting ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =) fast fast fast~~

: 15 december 7:00pm 8tv.. 第七屆全球華語歌曲排行榜: