Thursday, November 12, 2009

tagged by zxin

1. Name : Wai Suetyen
2. B'day : 26/10/1994
3. Horoscope : Scorpio
4. Hp number : 016 ^^
5. School : SABS
6. One word to describe yourself : hmm.. can laugh easily xD
7. People you hate : .. Shhh
8. People you love : My Family.. My Friends.. My Idols ~
9. Fall in love before : hehe =)
10. Fall in love with? Shhh..
11. You prefer single or in a relationship? Don't know.. because i didn't try in a relationship before ^^
12. Have you learn any music instruments? I wanna learn piano !!!
13. What's that instruments? nope.
14. Your ambitions : don't know.. haha
15. Your wishes for now : 8A in my PMR.. Can go Korea ^^
16. Name one of your friend who you think he/she is the most important for you? liwei

You love
- what food? nice food ^^
- drinks? nice drink ^^
- who? nice and kind people ^^
- what ? Playing badminton and basketball ! laughing ! online ! watch tv ! ^^
- where ? Korea ba.. the place i always wish to go ^^ Kuantan also ^^

You hate
- who? no ba.. shh..
- what kind of people? those who.. hmm. see liao beh song only la.. no hate xD
- to go where ? those place who have many people smoke!

The people that passed u this question
- you hate the people ? no
- you love her? lol
- relationship between you both ? friends
- he/she got any bad attitude ? no
- how you know him/she? sabs
- how long do you know him/she ? this year is the third year =)
- his/her birthday ? 5.6.94
- you know him/she well? hmm dono o.
- anything to tell him/she? hey lets go badminton ! lol

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