Sunday, November 8, 2009

♥ Kevin Cheng !! Ma Dak Zhong !! =D @ ECM

went to mexica to take money in the morning... >< then later went to ECM with brother !! ^^
but late dy.... damn many people !!
at first cant even see ryan or ah yoke .. ==
we went to 1st floor, second floor, third floor.. == also can't see..
cause I'm TOO SHORT !! >< LOL !!
But then luckily after that still manage to see ^^

wahaha ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ryan's handsome !! =D

photos took by SK..
lol i didn't took any photos and dont have chance ==
Ryan And Ah Yoke.

Later.. Kevin Cheng and Ma Dak Zhong they all came..
kena tipu by the guard.. == thought they coming in from the door..
walk here walk there.. TIRED !!

then finally they came..


lol. keep jump and jump also can't see..

WALAO !! those aunty.... really.. lol !!
i want go out also cannot.. ==
Then.. ^^ wahahahahaha.. FINALLY MANAGE TO GO OUT !!

Luckily didn't become sandwich.. >< give them push and beat.. =.= lol.. almost fall down --
then found jun yuan they all.. they standing on trolley.. LOL !!

Got one uncle very good.. give me stand on the trolley !! first time stood on trolley to see artists. lol

FINALLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY !! I SAW THEM !! Kevin And Ma Dak Zhong.. And two girls..
haha.. then when they signing session that time i went to find my brother at third floor..

damn thirsty.. wanna go down... we used lift..

THEN !!!!!!!!! OMG !! DAMN LUCKY !!
when we reached ground floor..

WAHH! many people..
the guard dont give us first we don't know why..
then we went outside using side door.. AND SAW THEIR CAR THERE !!!!!!!!!
LOL !!!!
So we waited there.. muahahaa.
kevin cheng came 1st... ^^ ^^ ^^

then followed by ma dak zhong and others. ^^ ^^

Sreamed and kevin cheng looked here..wave.. wahaha. XDDD
LUCKY ! ^^

these video took by my brother's friend.. ^^
but not very clear..

he inside the car that time look at my brother's friend... hahaha.

this one is ma dak zhong.. ^^

thanks to my bro's friend who took this video.. haha

didn't take any photos.. i just see them !! hahahaha
Kevin Cheng so HANDSOME !! =D

HAPPY but also Tired.. ^^

But didn't take photo with ryan.. ><

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