Monday, November 23, 2009


hmmmmm. went to watched 2012 long ago.. its on wednesday.. last last wednesday i think ? forgotten le. haha
erm.. quite nice la..
but judgement day ... not whole earth of people will die ? why go china then can survive ? =.=
i keep ask question in the cinema. >< xDD
carmen lee was sitting beside me, this cute little girl, she was laughing when we was crying -.- what a cute girl xD
and i chiong li wei's sweater ahahaha =p
she was beside me too =p

after the movie, sien keong joined us .. lala zai -.- he dyed his hair.. to i don't know what colour ? gold ??! -.-
went to food and tea. ordered my fav choco drink <3
and a bowl of don't know what pork and mee..
MAGGI MEE only lorrr.. cheh ! so expensiveee ! ish
Wanna save money arrhh .. for.. Ahahaha going korea's ticket =.= lol that's only what i always tell liwei -.- xD
maybe now start to save when i big dy then enough money Ahahahaha. lame ~ =x

Byeee !

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