Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Guess what time i sleep yesterday?
i sleep at around 2am.. lol
What i did ? Sms-ed with evonne until 12am.. then i played viwawa(nice game.. until around 1am..
then..listen songs, chit chat with bro until around 2.. ==' But i still din't feel sleepy.. ==
Evonne, told you that i cant sleep already!!
fine. I woke up damn late today..i woke up at 11am.. =P
Hmm.. Went for basketball today at setali.. xD
Don't jealous me.. =x lol. I went there at 4:30pm..
Played with those small little kids.. Played match lor, " shoot gak zai" lor..
Around 6... while we're playing match.. suddenly one small boy touch his stomach..
then he say :" err.. I hungry ar.. I want go back eat dinner already wo.." he said in chinese 1..
lol.. everybody laugh at him.. xD
After that, many big big 1 came. so many people came together with a Myvi.
Then.. around 6:20 like that.. i decided to walk back home.. who knows..
A HUGE DOG came.. no owner.. no rope tie-ing it.. OMG.. how i gonna walked home?? zzz.
wait and wait and wait.
wait until the dog go to other place, then i only quickly ran home. =='
xD FUN !!

oh ya.. got some chocolates.. very cute 1...

crystal baby took in one-stop..

Happy Belated Birthday to my YI LOU~~~
27 may hehe.. yesterday..

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