Thursday, May 1, 2008

labour day

hmm. today is labour day.
so.. since im a student.. i hv a holiday!=='
lol.. hmmmmmmmm..
i woke up after my alarm rang.
then i sleep back..=='
li wei called me. xD
because yesterday we said we wanna go to setali for basketball.
lol. woke up at 7:00am something.
then li wei 's bro called me. they said they reached ady.
so i rushed to setali. xD
waaaaaaaaaaaaaa. long-time-no-see SETALI!! ooooh.
long long time din't go there. =)
the court is so wet!! lol. sooooooooooooooo,li wei's er ge fall down many times. XD
shhhh... shhhhhh.. =x
hmmm. then, about 8:50am. my dad went there to find me. dad called me to go back home for breakfast..=='
so.. around 9:00am. i walked back home. =((((
so fast. lol. haihz.
i saw a very super BIG dog infront of me while im walking back.. wwwwwwwwaAAAAAAAhhhhhh.. luckily the uncle is there. =)
the uncle is kind! he keep saying sorry to me . =)
and he scolded his dog." u c lar u. ppl scared u .." hahahaha. =D
no need sorry lar uncle =)

so now im here , infront the computer! =(((((((((((((
i still wanna play basketball!!! nt yt da enough!!! i still want da bo~!!!!!!!!!!!!! =='


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