Friday, May 30, 2008


Currently I'm addicted to viwawa... xD
nice game!!

My wawas

Isn't he's cute? handsome? hehe.
this 1 is boy 1.. cause i kongsi with my bro ma..
Will create 1 more girl wawa. xD

bought another shirt..

Which 1 nicer ?

kk. off to play viwawa. XD
yen yee's house 1 will talk on the next post. I'm too lazy to blog about it now. XD

Thursday, May 29, 2008


I went to yen yee's house today.. lols
I went there at 9:30am.. early lerr??
lol. so i had to wake up early larrrr.. =x
Dad sent me to her house..
We chat and chat and chat about anythings..
lols. too many things to say.. cause long time no see mar..
OMG, her house has no TV!!! ooooomg.. lolx. no lar.
Her TV spoiled jor, so sent to the shop to fix...
i tot can see ASTRO tim.. xD
Guess what we had for our lunch?
Spaghetti!! yeahh.. we cooked ourself.. fuiyoh. Don't play play.
Say only cook, but like playing "masak".. wwhhooppss. xD
here are some pictures i took while we're cooking.

cutie. xD


make the spaghetti COLD~~~

hey.. wat happened??
i also dunno ler.. i was cutting hot dog that time.. ask yen yee.. she make 1 .. haha
u guys dont think it's those pro chief cooking got fire.. actually.. IT'S BURNING!! this fire smaller dy i only take photo. xD
hehehe.. wan eat? we cook 1 ar~

yen yee put so so so many cheese. she say nice wor.. =='
haha~ wan eat anot?

later on.. we too bored cause nothing to do. we decided to find some ppl to join us.. who knows, nobody is free. lol. then we called huyjye.. *ehem*
then, about 2 something.. huyjye came.. lols
we played computer gamesssssssssssssss.
me n huyjye.
me, yen yee n huyjye
last~ me and yen yee again!


Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Guess what time i sleep yesterday?
i sleep at around 2am.. lol
What i did ? Sms-ed with evonne until 12am.. then i played viwawa(nice game.. until around 1am..
then..listen songs, chit chat with bro until around 2.. ==' But i still din't feel sleepy.. ==
Evonne, told you that i cant sleep already!!
fine. I woke up damn late today..i woke up at 11am.. =P
Hmm.. Went for basketball today at setali.. xD
Don't jealous me.. =x lol. I went there at 4:30pm..
Played with those small little kids.. Played match lor, " shoot gak zai" lor..
Around 6... while we're playing match.. suddenly one small boy touch his stomach..
then he say :" err.. I hungry ar.. I want go back eat dinner already wo.." he said in chinese 1..
lol.. everybody laugh at him.. xD
After that, many big big 1 came. so many people came together with a Myvi.
Then.. around 6:20 like that.. i decided to walk back home.. who knows..
A HUGE DOG came.. no owner.. no rope tie-ing it.. OMG.. how i gonna walked home?? zzz.
wait and wait and wait.
wait until the dog go to other place, then i only quickly ran home. =='
xD FUN !!

oh ya.. got some chocolates.. very cute 1...

crystal baby took in one-stop..

Happy Belated Birthday to my YI LOU~~~
27 may hehe.. yesterday..

Monday, May 26, 2008

beh tahan!!!!!!!!

i really beh tahan you already...
you really.... i dunno how to say about you..
since that time.. i dislike you..
when i talk to you first.. u will gv me a bu shuang face..
when u called me out, when i cant go or i dont want to go.. you will sure angry me.. i know..
you will always say nevermind but i know u angry..

I need shieldtock attack!!!! cox i ren wu ke ren!!!!
I know you always say bad about me .. i know I many bad things to say..
You no need ban ye lar.. i know u always go tell the whole world how bad how bad am I..
You don't know that your friend say bad about you too..
Just continue if you feel happy.
I tell you..
I aint so dai fong when i face you.. I very small gas 1 also!!
from now on, i maybe din't treat you as my friend already. i know that you din't treat me as your friend too.

Everything must end with a smile.. if not, there'll be a WAR.. =x
ehhh.. i din't use any badwords!!! hooo... konon..

Saturday, May 24, 2008


holiday holiday...
what can I do during holiday?
holiday = bored
I want to go out lar....
I want to go to school.....
I miss my teacher..
I miss my classmates..
I miss my friends..
I miss you, you, you and you. lolx
But when holidays end, i will feel like lazy to go to school..
I want to go out with my friendssss!!!!!
arrrrrghh!!! hate that you din't come..
mummy is coming back today!!!
I miss her!!!

sienz la......I want to meet you all!!! arggh!! YOU!!!

Friday, May 23, 2008


finally exam is over.
holiday started.
i hate holiday but i hate school day too. =='

went to school just now for basketball training.
no training.

Sarawak's student came our school.
12 years old and 18 years old.
they are bsb national player.
they having competition tomorrow.
they are sleeping in our school's asrama.

I'm so fish today.
i said wrong word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i want to say "gai ci" means next time.
then i said XX.

I said it LOUDLY.
hope that nobody heard it.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

actually that happened at 12 May.
earthquake oh earthquake.
natural phenomena?
so many little kids is now orphan.
many parents lost their children.
tears drop everyday.
the whole world felt sad. lol.
everybody is helping the victims.
they're so pity.. they dont have home already.
donate money !!!! help them!!!!!
pray hard for them.....
so many ppl died...........................................
祝福世界能更好! 祝福四川災民

Friday, May 16, 2008

happy teacher's day!!!

went to school today to celebrate teacher's day.
so sux. lol.
class also dint open.wth.
so less student came only.
we sit at tapak. wait all the teachers come. then... got persembahan lor. =='
but i saw some teachers never sing also.
My geografi teacher!!! she never sing.. hahahaha. i wonder how if she is singing .. Is she good in singing??? ==' I'M SURE THAT SHE'S GOOD IN CUBIT-ing PEOPLE!!!!! wtf
maybe i will beh tahan lor if she sing. no lar.. joking.. canot say ppl like that. =p
my singing sux too. =p
tried to ponteng. cant consider as ponteng also.. only feel like going home. =p
cause it's too bored staying there doing nothing. haihx.
haha. but we all chat about those thing that cant let other ppl know.... hahhahahaha.
finally i din't go home earlier. i went home at 12pm. lols. =p
luckily i dint went home earlier. hahahhaha.
oooooopssssssss. isawmanypplwhenwechitchattingattapak.
why today at tapak never saw any cat at bumbung d? THEY WERECELEBRATING FOR THEIR CAT'S TEACHER TOO. =p


Thursday, May 15, 2008



finally finish geografi and sejarah paper,

english , bm and moral.



Wednesday, May 7, 2008


exammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. next weekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
I MUST GET A FOR MY GEOGRAFI !!!!!!!! i don't want to get punish from "dear" pn norhuda.


Target: AT LEAST 5A, NO C, NO D.

I want to get full A !! lol.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

labour day

hmm. today is labour day.
so.. since im a student.. i hv a holiday!=='
lol.. hmmmmmmmm..
i woke up after my alarm rang.
then i sleep back..=='
li wei called me. xD
because yesterday we said we wanna go to setali for basketball.
lol. woke up at 7:00am something.
then li wei 's bro called me. they said they reached ady.
so i rushed to setali. xD
waaaaaaaaaaaaaa. long-time-no-see SETALI!! ooooh.
long long time din't go there. =)
the court is so wet!! lol. sooooooooooooooo,li wei's er ge fall down many times. XD
shhhh... shhhhhh.. =x
hmmm. then, about 8:50am. my dad went there to find me. dad called me to go back home for breakfast..=='
so.. around 9:00am. i walked back home. =((((
so fast. lol. haihz.
i saw a very super BIG dog infront of me while im walking back.. wwwwwwwwaAAAAAAAhhhhhh.. luckily the uncle is there. =)
the uncle is kind! he keep saying sorry to me . =)
and he scolded his dog." u c lar u. ppl scared u .." hahahaha. =D
no need sorry lar uncle =)

so now im here , infront the computer! =(((((((((((((
i still wanna play basketball!!! nt yt da enough!!! i still want da bo~!!!!!!!!!!!!! =='