Friday, August 24, 2007

kl... bek from KL..wohoo..
i wen ther on wednesday..when we reached ther..we went to eat chicken rice n then we went to the store..i bought some hair bands ther..

after that ah noi jie jie came..n my father's fren we went to his house..^^

tis flower took at uncle's house..


after that we went bek to my cousin house (ah noi jie jie)
when dinnner they bring us to the food court nearby..after eating..we went to pasar malam.. i saw a nice bag bt..unfortunately i dint buy it..aihz..then we went bek home again~ we open VCD n watched this movie "JUST FOLLOW LAW".. damn funny..haha..xD

second day..thursday..
about 10am something..we went to a indian temple for attending uncle retham's daughter's wedding ceremony..hehe.. when we reached ther..they already started..


wat is this ? i dunno also..=.=

after the ceremony, we ate the food's vegeterian..

the tissue..haha...

then...we went to mid valley..this is the 1st time i went to mid valley..
i dint buy anyting ther..i saw a MCKY shop..but i dint go in cuz rush time..T_T..
but i went to secret recipe to eat..this is 1st time also..haha..
i ordered a bowl of tomyam mee soup n a glass of gree apple juice..

tis cost RM 7 n tomyam mee soup cost RM12.50

n then i go to a shop..sell a lot of makanan ringan..that gv us taste d..haha..

apa ni?


before goin bek..we wanna watch a movie.."ra-ta-too-ee" bt..dun hv any tickets left!! its full of ppl ther!! =.= so we went bek without watching movie..

its dinner time!! wohoo..
we ate at a vegeterian restraunt..we ate v ah chun korkor n his girlfren,ah noi jie jie n family..^^yummy yummyy hehe..

nice scene! from the high high condominium...lalala...

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