Tuesday, August 21, 2007


"long time" i dint touch my basketball..
wohoo..today!! i go n play basketball!! walaupun i just played for 1 hour and 15 minutes..but itz really fun!! cuz long long time i dint go to setali court..
ok..today i went v my 2 cousin..i played match v those little boy n girl..lolz..xD i won!! xP but not very guang chai also..win little kid..xDD xP blekk..later eunice came..i tought she dun wanna play?! o.O i dun know.. watever.. later 2 ppl came..one of them wearing jersey..so gud..i hope i hv jersey n my own basketball shoes!!! so we played together..later 2 ppl came again..then i went bek home..wakaka..cuz i wanna watch TV!! xD 8tv..fuiyuhh..
tomorrow i gonna go KL...bye bye ~~ take care ~~

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