Sunday, June 27, 2010

stjohn. stjohn and stjohn !

went for st john flag day yesterday
was so excited before this. actually yesterday was the second time.
walked , walked and walked, asked, asked and asked, smile, smile and smile, say thanks, thanks and thanks. :)
this is the summary ! hahahaha ;) short enough right ? ;p hahahaha !
met some really really funny and ridiculous excuse when we asked them people to donate !
really funny ! =.= btw, some people are really kind ! :)

went for the mass cpr campaign at shahzan inn with brother :)
learned cpr and chocking again.
Lol. got the cert immediately after finished.


watched football yesterday. SOUTH KOREA VS URUGUAY !
sad. ! result 2-1. South Korea Lost.. :'(
so SAD ! :'(

aww so fast the weekend is end ! SAD ! D:

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