Thursday, June 10, 2010

Leisure Course, St John

Finally have some St john's activity that is not boring as Kawad ! haha

Today was fun.

Leisure course At TC. :) learn some survival skill.

Get to know that many plants that can be eaten, and can be used as medicine.. but i already forgotten their names.. hahahaha ! And i get to smell Tongkat Ali, But i do not dare to taste it! cause the army said we will feel bitter for the one whole day. =x

The armies are so friendly :)

Learn how to make fire by stone, wood and many more.. and place to sleep with plants.

Enjoy it very much !

Fun but tired.

Helped some Ang mo-s to collect the rubbish too.
They purposely came here just to collect the rubbish for us.
wow.. Our own country but foreigners are helping us to clean.

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