Thursday, May 6, 2010

WALAO ! 冒险

I did something stupid today !!
I didn't even realize that i brought phone to school !

Stupid right ? = =
Usually when i take my phone down from upstairs, i will put inside my uniform's pocket. And today ! i left it in my pocket !!

I was sneezing and running nose. trying to find tissue in my pocket.. and walao !! i realized i brought my phone.. After end of MR Yong's period. The 4th period !!! WTF. = = AND MY PHONE IS NOT IN SILENT MODE ! = = WALAO ! the phone was in my pocket for 4 period without in silent mode..

LUCKILY my phone did not ring ! = = If not... = =

a photo took with nicole during the last two period which do not have teacher. :)
almost 3/4 went home. XD

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