Friday, May 7, 2010

Sing K :)

Today Went To ECM for pui yee's Birthday Celebration :)
All Didn't FFK, Yeah !
haha ! Many people went. :)

Went to black canyon to eat, desmond's idea.
Then Song Box.
We have many people, have to go to the VIP room. But it was full.
So we went to VVIP !
haha ! first time ! so big larh the room ;D
FUnnnnnnnnnn 3 hours of singing.. Hahahaa !

MY singing is bad. BUt i enjoy it :DD

wahahaha !! The most funny thing is.. !! During we went in to the lift.. hahahhaa !!
The lift " DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT" . haahha ! too heavy ! XDD
That time kwong ming went in, he so scared, one of his leg go in first, then only followed by another leg, but when lee yee go in that time. The lift got sound liao.. hahhaa !! lee yee was the last to go in.
Too many people ! XD
Ended up lee yee and kwong ming go by another lift :)

Damn Funnny !! hahahahahaha

Fun :) ♥

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