Sunday, February 28, 2010

the week after CNY holidays

February test !!
But its over now :)

feb test were quite okay. just that i had pass up some blank space.. hahaha !!

everything is as usual. nothing special.

Oh ! jin Shyang came to our school.
my class. 4sc4 :)
yeah !! one more chinese !!

=.= he is so super tall.
sometimes i talk with him, my neck so tired. kesian my neck.. LOL
wahaha !! XP

haha !! one more ex pei chai classmate x))

yesterday, saturday. went out with liwei, annie, jun yuan, gazat and evonne.
i went together with my bro.. so i walked the whole ECM for one hour and half ! lol. 1st time ! and went to food and tea because im hungry. alone ! wahaha !! i saw leng jais ! they are from china ? but they look like koreans !! oh, i nampak a leng jai with black shirt over there also XD
after i finished eating, they only came =.=
sing k :)
take photo sticker :)
and i thought the aunty who was selling the coin was malay. i speak malay with her but she replied me chinese :X
ah ~ Yu Peinya ~

the pics.. LOL !! the machine =.= so fast 321 !! didn't change place.. !! its too fast !! =.= for the 1st photo we didnt even know then chik chak =.=


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